This plan would have worked fine, if No. 1 son had been up
several hours earlier, but although he was ready by the time I returned from my
errands, we still had some further shopping to do, primarily items we wanted to
take home with us (beer for me, copious quantities of crisps for Matthew, plus
various goodies for our respective work colleagues), before we could go off
beer-hunting. This was unfortunate, but we were unable to leave our purchases
until the following day, as this was a Sunday, and all shops in Bavaria are
closed on the Lord’s Day. We were also unable to leave this task until the Monday
either, as that was the day of our departure. Consequently, by the time we had
finished it was well passed midday, leaving just the afternoon in which to cram
our visit into. The timetable showed that unlike during the week, the last bus
back left Stiebarlimbach at just before 4pm. Our visit would have to be
confined to just the one Keller, and Roppelt's seemed the obvious choice.
The bus arrived on schedule; we boarded and purchased a
return ticket each. The journey took us in a northerly direction out of
Forchheim, before turning west, crossing the River Regnitz and then heading off
in a north-westerly direction. The bus climbed steadily up towards the
Steigerwald, and took us through a succession of unbelievably pretty villages.
This really was rural Franconia at its very best. Eventually we reached our
destination, the tiny village of Stiebarlimbach. Our driver told us that the
return bus would depart from the same stop, which was directly opposite
Bräuerei Roppelt, quite a substantial
looking affair and obviously THE major source of employment in the village.
Two other people got off the bus at the same time as us. I’d
read that the Keller was sited behind the brewery and as this couple seemed to
be heading in that direction, we followed them through the brewery yard, before
turning off left, passed a pond along the edge of a field and up into the
woods. As we drew nearer, we noticed a fair-sized car park, and then a group of
yellow painted buildings. A short distance beyond the buildings were numerous
wooden tables and benches, most sited under the trees for protection from the
fierce afternoon sun. There were quite a few drinkers sat at these tables, most
with stoneware half-litre Krug mugs in front of them. We soon discovered that
one of the buildings was the Ausschank, where the beer was dispensed, whilst
the other was the Küche, or kitchen, where the more solid nourishment was
served. We found an empty table and then I wandered over to the Ausschank to
grab us each a nice cold beer. Roppelts Kellerbier was the beer on sale, a
tasty and well-hopped brew, and at just €1.90 a go, was the bargain of the day.
A bit later on I went and ordered us some food to go with the excellent beer;
sausages with Sauerkraut and Landbrot (dark rye bread) were the perfect
accompaniment to the beer.
The Keller became quite busy as the afternoon wore on and
the temperature continued to climb. We managed to put away three mugs each of
this tasty country beer before deciding it was time to make a move. After all
we did not want to end up stranded in the middle of nowhere, even though there
was an excellent Keller there. Before we left, I noticed a path leading further
up into the woods. People were heading off in that direction from time to time,
so I assumed it was the path leading up to the Kreuzberg. I made a mental note that if we ever returned
we would visit mid-week, arrive much earlier and make a whole day of visiting
the other Kellers as well!
We arrived back at the bus stop in good time, passing back
through the brewery yard en route. It was a stiflingly hot afternoon, but we
didn’t wait in the bus shelter, as there were a couple of slightly disreputable
looking blokes in there, but instead stood in the shade round the side. After a
wait of less than 10 minutes a bus appeared. “Is this ours?” my son asked.
“No”, I replied confidently, noting that the destination shown on the front of
the bus was Willersdorf, the village at the end of the route. “This bus will
return shortly after turning round at the end of the route”, I said, but as we
watched it depart an awful thought struck me that perhaps we should still have
got on. This thought was reinforced by the bus being more or less on time, and
was confirmed when I looked at the timetable, displayed inside the bus shelter,
showing the same time for arrival and
departure in Stiebarlimbach. It
dawned on me that the last section of the bus route was circular, rather than
linear, which meant, to our horror, that the bus would not be returning for us
and we were stranded!
In the normal run of things this would not have been too
much of a problem. We are both fairly fit and quite capable of walking a fair
distance when necessary. However, with the sun beating down on us quite
mercilessly, and temperatures in the mid 30’s, a long walk was not something
either of us relished. I was mindful of a story which had been in the news back
home, shortly before we left, where a couple of would-be SAS recruits had
collapsed and died from heat exhaustion following an exercise in the Brecon
Beacons during a spell of hot weather. Obviously we would not be pushing
ourselves to those sorts of extremes, but I was still concerned that we both
only had a small bottle of water each and that neither of us had hats. I blame
my wife and son for this omission; both had regularly taken the mickey out of
the bush hat I wear at home whilst in the garden, to the point of refusing to
go out with me if I am wearing it. I was now cursing the lack of suitable
I have had a dose of sunstroke before, and it was not an
experience I would care to repeat, but our options were somewhat limited in
this respect. My plan, such as it was, was to walk to the much larger village
of Schlammersdorf, which we had passed through on our outward journey. I knew
there was a pub there attached to the local brewery, and I was certain we could
get details there about taxis which could take us to one of the nearest
stations, (either Eggolsheim or Hirschaid). I had been watching our general direction
of travel on the outward journey, so I knew roughly which direction we need to
proceed in, but I was still kicking myself for not having purchased the local
map I had been looking at that morning in a newsagent in Forchheim.
We set off out of the
village, and soon came to a T-junction. We turned right and set off up a hill.
It was certainly hot and I was beginning to doubt the wisdom of my decision to
walk. Matthew was moaning, so when we eventually came to a shady, wooded area I decided
to do something I hadn’t done since my student days, namely thumb a lift! There
wasn’t that much traffic passing along this quiet country road, but our luck
must have been in that day, as the second car to come along stopped to give us
a lift. Our “saviour” was a young jobbing builder and, after I had explained
our predicament as best as my German would allow, he offered to drive us to the
station nearest to his home. This turned out to be Hirschaid, which was
absolutely fine so far as we were concerned, as we could get a train back to
Forchheim from there.
The journey probably only took about 20 minutes, but it
saved us from what would have been an exhausting walk in the crippling heat.
During the drive I chatted to our driver, mainly about where we were from and
that we had come over for Annafest. He pointed out the brewery in
Schlammersdorf, as we passed through, and also the one in Hirschaid as we
arrived in the small town. Our driver dropped us off right at the station, and
refused all attempts by us to give him some cash for his kindness. He did say
though to look out for him at Annafest the following day and buy him a drink
From Hirschaid, after a short wait, we were able to catch a
train back to Forchheim, and arrived back at our apartment hot, but none the
worse for our adventure. On the walk back from the station, Matthew swears he
saw a bus being driven by the same driver who was in charge on our outward
journey, and that the driver had waved at him. I replied it was a pity he
hadn’t been driving the return bus, as he would certainly have beckoned us on
board if he had seen us waiting at the stop in Stiebarlimbach.
As for our rescuer, I distinctly heard him say he would be at Greiff Keller on the
Sunday, and I think he said he would be there at 7 o’clock. We looked out for
him earlier, and were intending to return later for a further look. However, it
was around that time that the storm blew up, the sirens started to sound and
the authorities closed the festival for the evening, following the severe weather
warning. So unfortunately we never got to thank this chap personally in the way
we would have liked. If, by some remote chance, he ever gets to read this blog,
please accept our sincere thanks for saving us from a long and gruelling walk,
and please get in touch so we can meet up and buy you a drink on our next visit
to Franconia.