The festival is a joint collaboration between West Kent
CAMRA and the Spa Valley Railway. It’s the fourth such event, and following the
success of the previous festivals, we are hoping this will be the best one
I’ve spent the best part of the last few months emailing and
phoning round breweries in order to provide a varied selection of the region’s
best ales for the festival’s thirsty punters. It’s been a rather thankless task
though, and it’s amazing just how many breweries that haven’t bothered to
responding to emails or replying to phone messages. I appreciate that many
small breweries operate with a minimum amount of staff, and that the brewer
might be in the middle of digging out the mash tun when the phone rings, but
surely they want people to buy their beer, don’t they?
Anyway, with the help of a well-known local beer agency, and
a helpful local publican I think the order’s finally been cracked. There are
two meetings scheduled for next week, at which the final details should all be
sorted out, and then we can begin getting the beer set up the week after.

Full details can be found here on the Spa Valley Railway website.
No doubt a veritable smorgasboard of the county's finest 3.5% flat brown bitters, with a bell to ring for the one whopping 5%er?
Still the pint glasses are nice.
M x
All specially selected, Matt! But if you come along, you might be pleasantly surprised.
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