As I said earlier, we didn’t have any firm plans, apart from
heading north up to Finchley Road and Hampstead, in order to see where my
parents originated from, and where I spent the first three years of my life. I
did however, want to take in a few “craft beer bars”, rather than sticking to
tried and trusted favourites like the Market Porter and the Harp. Exiting the
ultra modern station and heading in a northerly direction, brought the
wedge-shaped Blackfriar pub into view, and I couldn’t resist the temptation of
popping in for an inside view of this wonderfully eccentric, art-nouveau pub.
Now part of the Nicholson’s chain, the Blackfriar had several interesting
looking ales on sale, as part of the company’s current “beer festival”
promotion. The Truman’s US Pale caught my eye, but as it was only just after 11am, I decided a half would be more appropriate
for that time of the morning. Matthew,
of course, stuck to his lager – Carlsberg or Carling; I can’t remember which,
and I don’t suppose he can either!
The pub was virtually empty, so we had the pick of the
tables and chose one towards the back of the pub, admiring the bronze relief
carvings of the monks, along with the ornate marble pillars and arches. Our
peaceful contemplation of this late Victorian masterpiece was not to last, as
not long after we had sat down, what can only be described as a “tidal wave” of
yummy-mummies, accompanied by compliant “dadsies”, pushed their way into the pub,
along with various buggies, infants strapped in shoulder slings, alongside
the walking and slightly older “little darlings”, and proceeded to grab all the
remaining tables and chairs, marooning us in a sea of pushy parenting hell!
This was our cue to leave, and we were both glad that we’d
opted for pints rather than halves. I rather half-heartedly thought about
asking what the occasion was, but thought better of it in our rush to escape the mayhem and get
out into the open air. The pub seemed a strange choice of venue for a child’s
birthday party, and besides it was rather too early in the day for that sort of
celebration. Relieved to have escaped, we walked up towards Fleet Street, as
Matt wanted to re-visit the Cheshire Cheese. I also fancied some bargain-priced
Sam Smiths in the timeless surroundings of this classic old pub.
It was not to be; the Cheese was well and truly shut.
Whether it opened later, say at midday, was a mystery, as there were no opening
hours displayed outside the pub – surely a strange omission for a place that is
a popular, “must visit” tourist destination?
After two (OK, one and a half), failed attempts at
traditional, it was time for some “craft”, and where better than to put his to
the test than the Euston Tap, a short train ride and walk away? Now I’m
slightly ashamed to say that I’ve never been to the “Tap”. I’ve obviously
read quite a bit about it, and I’d also
checked up beforehand on the place, using Des de Moor’s excellent “London’s Best Beer, Pubs and Bars”, a copy
of which was in my rucksack. I therefore knew the pub was on the
small side, and that it is popular with beer connoisseurs from far and wide.
Its popularity was not in doubt when we stepped inside, a
situation made worse by groups of people hogging the bar. Their presence made
it difficult to see exactly what was on tap, and although there were chalk
boards, behind the bar, advertising what was available, my eyesight is such these
days that in the dim light it was nigh impossible to read them. Now we could
have stayed, pushed our way through to the bar and enquired further about the
beers from the bar staff, but the very fact these ignoramuses were blocking the
way, coupled with the fact that Matt had taken an instant dislike to the place,
prompted us to about turn and leave. The “Tap” may serve great beer, but I have
to say it had all the atmosphere of a hospital waiting room. Nevertheless I am
prepared to give the place another try, next time I am in the area.
With Euston station, and the Northern line a stone’s throw
away, we were able to jump on a tube and make our way towards Hampstead. It was
raining when we arrived in this fashionable (and expensive) part of town,
which put paid to my plan of walking across the Heath to the Spaniards Inn.
Instead we headed for another old favourite of mine, the unspoilt Holly Bush,
now owned by Fuller’s. The Bush seemed larger than I remember, although I
understand it had been extended in recent times to incorporate some rooms which
were not part of the original pub. I have to say though, that whoever carried
out the work has made an extremely good job of it, and it was nigh on
impossible to tell which parts were original (apart from the bar that is!), and
which were not.
After purchasing our drinks, we opted for the large room
behind the bar, away from the open fireplace which was giving out rather too
much heat for the mild weather. I chose Wild
River, Fuller’s American-style pale
ale, whilst Matt went for Frontier, the brewery’s new “craft” lager. I had a
taste of this beer and found it full-bodied and rather good. My Wild
River was also equally enjoyable.
It had stopped raining by the time we left the Holly Bush,
but time was marching on. A walk across the Heath was now out of the question,
so instead we made our way down Hampstead High Street to Hampstead station.
After a quick one stop journey to Finchley Road
and Frognal, for a look at my grandmother’s old house, it was back on the
train, destination Stratford. We
had a bit of shopping to do, and the large Westfield Shopping Centre at Stratford
seemed ideal for this. The centre is also home to a brew-pub called Tap East,
which I believe has a connection with the same people who run Utobeer and the
Rake at Southwark’s Borough Market.
Unfortunately after boarding the train, we became aware
that due to engineering works on the London Overground, trains would be
terminating at Highbury and Islington – an area of London
I am totally unfamiliar with. Upon reaching said station, we took the decision
to jump on a southbound train in order to alight at Wapping. We were feeling
hungry by now, and a quick look through Des’s guide had revealed that the Town of Ramsgate, a well-known riverside pub on Wapping High Street, served food of the
pub-grub variety, as well as a reasonable selection of beer.
After initially turning the wrong way out of Wapping
Underground station, we eventually found our way to the Town of Ramsgate. The
CAMRA guide was right, and it turned out to be a very pleasant pub; long and
narrow in its layout, with a terraced area at the rear overlooking the River
Thames. The beer range was fairly standard, apart from the Wye Valley HPA,
which turned out to be a good choice; pale and fruity, with a good hop bite.
Also good was the homemade chicken and leek pie, served with new potatoes and
seasonal vegetables. As we sat there enjoying our meal, we noticed the barman
setting out a long table, opposite where we were sitting. I asked him if they
were expecting a crowd in later, and he told us that the pub is on several
tourist circuits, and they receive quite a lot of pre-booked trade from coach
companies. The pub’s history and riverside location appeals to foreign visitors
especially, and there is obviously a good trade to be had from this attraction.
Suitably fed and watered, we headed off, by tube, to Canary
Wharf, where we able to do the
shopping we had wanted to do earlier. Then it was a very cramped and crowded
underground journey back to London Bridge
for our last port of call, the Rake at Borough market. I had a slightly
ulterior motive for calling in here as according to the Rake’s Facebook page
Oktoberfest beers were on offer at two pints for the price of one, providing
one used a phone App called appropriately enough "I Love Free Beer". Unfortunately after
ordering the beer I couldn’t get the wretched App to work, despite having
connected to the pub’s free Wi-Fi network. (I later found out it was due to a
glitch with the GPS system on my phone). We
therefore had no choice but to cough up £13.20 for our two pints of Löwenbräu
Oktoberfest, which is definitely the most I have paid for a pint of beer outside of Scandinavia.
The beer was good, but not that good, but I wasn’t going to
let a glitch with a phone App spoil the end of our day out. Even so, we decided
to make that the last beer of the day, especially as I received a text from my
wife saying she was on the train home herself. Looking back we probably spent
more time travelling than we spent in the pub, but at least we got to see some different
parts of London and had some
enjoyable beers as well.
£13.20 for two pints ? What ?
Yes, you did read that right Mersey Exile, £6.60 a pint for Löwenbräu Oktoberfest! It wouldn' even be that expensive at the event itself.
I checked the price before ordering, but unfortunately didn't get the "I Love Free Beer App" running first. As the beers had already been poured, I couldn't really say I didn't want them, just because I couldn't get an App on my phone to work properly.
Noticed a Yummy Mummy brigade last Fri morning in the Market Porter - wonder if they've been kicked out of Giraffe?
Agreed the price for 2 pints of average Lowenbrau is outrageous - prob why I dont bother with The Rake anymore. You still need to get to Pelt Trader - shame its not open weekends.
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