Best UK
Cask Beer – No arguments here; without question the winner is Harvey’s
Sussex Best Bitter. Forget extreme, hophead type beers for a moment and focus
instead on this superb marriage of malt and hops which really ticks all the
right boxes, and is a “must stock” brand for pubs throughout East
Sussex and West Kent. Sensibly proportioned
at 4.0%, the juicy malt flavours from the Maris-Otter barley, are nicely
off-set by an earthy-peppery bitterness from locally grown traditional hop
varieties. In my opinion, you would have to travel far to find a more
satisfying and enjoyable local beer.
If I’m permitted to include an award for runner up, this
would have to go to the superb American Pale Ale, from Dark Star; a beer which
made alfresco drinking so enjoyable last summer, but which also is becoming a
much more common sight in pubs in this part of the country.
Best UK
Keg Beer – Nothing really springs to mind here, as I seldom drink keg. Not
that I’m averse to a drop or two of “craft”; it’s just I can count on one hand
the number of outlets that stock it locally. Also, on the odd occasion I’m in London,
I tend to stick to cask; such is the choice there.
If I had to nominate a beer it would be the Alpha State
Orange Zest IPA, which I sampled a week or so before Christmas at Fuggles,
Tunbridge Wells. (See below). I don’t know much about the beer apart from it
being a stunning, zesty IPA, brewed with Belgian yeast. This imparted a
distinctive taste which reminded me of a “Saison-style” beer from the Foundry
Brewery, which I enjoyed at the Green Hop Festival, held in the Canterbury, back in
September. (That particular beer was also brewed using Belgian yeast).
Best UK Bottled or Canned Beer – For overall
availability, my award goes to Fuller’s 1845; a stunningly complex, full-bodied
ale, which not only shows off the brewer’s skill to maximum effect, but also
proves that when they put their minds to it, large breweries can produce some
truly top-quality beers.
For runner up, I would nominate Meantime Greenwich Smoked
Bock Beer. An excellent beer, brewed by Alistair Hook and his team exclusively
for M&S, which shows that UK brewers, can successfully produce Rauchbier to
rival that of Bamberg.
Best Overseas Draught Beer – Forschungs – St.
Jacobus Blonder Bock 7.5%. It’s well worth taking the S-Bahn from Munich
city centre, out to the suburb of Perlach in order to enjoy this superb,
malt-packed bock beer, brewed in the functional-looking brewery, attached to
the equally Unitarian pub. A beer which manages to cram in an incredible amount
of flavour from both barley and hops and which, despite its high strength, is
still dangerously drinkable.
Best Collaboration Brew – No award, as I’m not aware
of having sampled any collaboration brews, although I may have done so
Best Overall Beer – There can never be any one best
overall beer, because choosing and enjoying a beer is very much something which
varies according to location, occasion, availability, time of year and a whole
host of other factors, all of which make the appreciation of good beer so
Best Branding, or Label - Ramsgate Brewery. Distinctive,
modern, stylish and eye-catching, especially the bottle labels and the brewery
publicity material. (See below, for further details on the brewery.)
Best UK
Brewery- Ramsgate Brewery. Established in 2002 by Eddie Gadd, who is still at
the helm as both proprietor and head-brewer. Ramsgate turn out a variety of stunning
beers, in both cask and bottle. Most are brewed in a typically Kentish style,
but with a modern and up to date twist. We don’t get to see them that often here in
the west of the county, but when they do make an appearance, they don’t hang
around for long!
The runners up place must go to Harvey’s, who not only
produce some superb all year round beers, but also turn out a stunning range of
seasonal beers including personal favourites like Tom Paine, Southdown Harvest
Ale, Star of Eastbourne, Bonfire Boy and the superlative Christmas Ale.
Best Overseas Brewery – A tricky one, especially as
there are just so many excellent foreign breweries to choose from, but after a
lot of thought I am going to award joint first place to two Bavarian breweries;
one from the south of the state (Ayinger-bräu), and the other from the north,
in the area known as Franconia, (Mahrs Bräu).
Ayinger-bräu are based in the village
of Aying, to the south east of Munich.
The brewery produce an extensive range of truly excellent beers, and no visit
to Munich is complete without making the short train journey out to Aying to
sample the beers “at source”, in the brewery tap.
When most people think of Bamberg,
they think of Rauchbier and Schlenkerla, the city’s most distinctive and best
known producer of “smoke beer”. Mahrs Bräu, do not have a Rauchbier in their
portfolio, but what they do instead is brew a stunning range of wonderful,
flavoursome beers, the best known of which is their Ungespundet, a 5.2%
unfiltered Kellerbier.
Best New Brewery Opening 2013 – Burning Sky, set up
by former Dark Star brewer, Mark Tranter. I’ve only tried a couple of their
beers so far, but each one has been absolutely stunning, and a real reflection
on the skill of the brewer.
Best Pub/Bar of the Year – Bedford, Tunbridge Wells.
Up to 10 cask beers on tap, the vast majority from local Kent
and Sussex
independents, served in stylish surroundings and now also offering food. What
not to like about Tunbridge Wells’ premier alehouse.
Runner up would be the Windmill, at Sevenoaks Weald. Six immaculately kept and served local cask ales, Kentish cider, craft lager and excellent food. All served in a lovingly restored village local where dogs are still welcome and there is a lovely warming log fire in winter.
Best Pub/Bar Opening 2013 – Fuggles Beer Café, Tunbridge
Wells. A really welcome addition to the local drinking scene, and somewhere
which has brought the “craft beer” experience to Tunbridge Wells. For both cask
and craft beer enthusiasts there are four casks and ten craft kegs (with an
emphasis on Belgian beers) on tap, in a pleasant, functional and somewhat minimalist
Best Beer Festival of the Year – Without a shadow of
doubt Annafest, held each July just outside the small Franconian town of Forchheim,
wins this award hands down. Think Oktoberfest, but without all the hype, high
costs and tourist parties. Annafest combines some serious drinking with fun
events such as fairground attractions and live music, all in an attractive
woodland setting. Also think strong (5.7% abv), well-hopped Franconian beer,
full of taste and character, and served in litre measures only. Not for the
faint hearted, but a fantastic atmosphere which every serious beer lover should
experience at least once in a lifetime.
The runner up is the Canterbury Food & Drink Festival,
which took place over the last weekend in September in the city’s Dane
John Gardens.
The festival featured “Green-Hopped” beers from all the brewers who
participated in the Kent Green Hop Beer Fortnight, and sitting out in Dane
John Gardens,
soaking up the late September sunshine along with more than a few Green Hop
beers, whilst listening to some of the live bands playing there, reminded me
that life doesn’t get much better than this!
Next year I’m aiming to do some of the more esoteric
home-grown-beer festivals, in particular the London Craft Beer Festival, which
I unfortunately missed earlier this year. I’m also reliably informed that the Egham
and Chappel festivals are well worth attending. Finally, there’s a possibility
of a visit to the grand-daddy of all beer festivals – Munich’s
Oktoberfest, so watch this space!
Best Supermarket of the Year – Waitrose. An excellent
range, encompassing the best of the beers produced by the established family
and larger brewers’, alongside more local examples. Mixed in with this are some
quality foreign beers, including several well-known classics. Good promotions
too, make Waitrose the runaway winner in this category, so far as I am
Best Independent Retailer of the Year – Definitely
the Bottle Shop, housed in the Goods Shed, just along from Canterbury West
station. Offering the largest number of British bottled beers in
the South East, alongside an expanding range of foreign beers, both to take away
and to enjoy on the premises. The only trouble is Canterbury is at the
opposite end of the county from where I live, so a visit to the Bottle Shop
isn’t exactly a spur of the moment event.
Best On-Line Retailer of the Year – I haven’t used
any. The trouble with buying beer on-line is the high costs associated with shipping
heavy objects, like bottled beer, around the country. There is also the risk of
damage in transit.
Best Beer Magazine – Since the sad demise of Beers of
the World several years ago, the vacuum has been ably filled by CAMRA’s BEER Magazine. Published quarterly, after a slightly shaky start, the magazine has
gone from strength to strength. Sent out to all CAMRA members as part of their
membership fee. I believe the magazine
is also available to the general public, on a subscription basis.
Best Beer Book – Craft Beer World, by Mark Dredge. I
have just received a copy for Christmas, and have had trouble putting it down.
As one might expect, the information and layout is presented in an attractive
and up to date style, with text and illustrations imposed on top of
colour-washed and water-marked pages, but what really comes across is Mark’s
passion for these beers, and you just know he has tasted and enjoyed every one
of them. There are quite a few I recognise and none I would disagree with,
although I obviously have a long way to go before sampling them all. A most
welcome addition to my collection of beer books.
Best Beer Blog – There are several blogs I always click on, including Boak &
Bailey, Pub Curmudgeon, Pete Brown and, of course, Tandleman, but my award for
the best beer blog, this year, is shared jointly by Ron Patterson’s Shut up
about Barclay Perkins and Adrian Tierney-Jones’ Called to the Bar.
Best Beer App. - OK, not exactly an App, although one
can access it on a Smartphone, but CAMRA’s Whatpub website is rapidly becoming
the site of choice for finding a decent boozer. Constantly being refreshed,
Whatpub is undoubtedly the most up to date pub data-base in the country.
The most annoying App has to be Untappd, first because it
can be very addictive and time consuming. (At the end of the day it’s just a
glorified electronic “ticking device”). Secondly because it not only needs an
internet connection, but also a GPS signal and then relies on another App
called Four Square in order
to function correctly. It is also an American based App, so understandably it
has a strong North American bias.
Simon Johnson Award for Best Beer Twitterer – Well I
don’t “Tweet” and thereby am certainly not a “Twat”! Nothing to add here then, apart from saying how sorry I was to learn of
Simon’s untimely passing, earlier this year. I always enjoyed logging on to his
“Reluctant Scooper” blog and reading about his various drinking experiences. A
sad loss indeed.
Best Brewery Website – There are too many really
excellent and professional brewery websites for me to single out any one
specific site for this award.
Best Food & Beer Pairing of the Year – If Garrett
Oliver can write a 360 page book on the subject of pairing beer with food (see The Brewmaster’s Table), then it’s rather a tall order to come up with a single
food/beer match. However, if I had to choose one combination it would be
sausages and mash with onion gravy, accompanied by a pint of a fairly
full-bodied, English bitter. Harvey’s
Best springs to mind, butt he obvious proviso is the sausages should be good
quality, preferably from a local butcher.
A proper steak and ale, or steak and kidney pie also goes
well with a decent bitter. Again the pie should be a proper one, made with
short-crust pastry, which must enclose the meat and the rest of the filling. A
meat stew, served in an earthenware dish with a puff-pastry lid on top is NOT a
proper pie so far as I am concerned!
Finally, special mention should be made of the goulash with
bread dumplings I enjoyed at U Fleku in Prague,
earlier this month. The rich, dark, malt-led house lager was the perfect
accompaniment to this classic Central European dish, proving there are many
excellent beer and food pairings to be found all over the world.
Sausages for your food & beer pairing: I'd recommend the Hadlow Hops & Real Ale Sausages from Ian Chatfield in Tonbridge High Street. A local beery banger!
Thanks Andy, the sausages sound really tasty. I'll have to get some next time I'm in the High Street.
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