The above events meant a fairly subdued Christmas Eve, but
none of us minded as we were all quite tired, and glad of the opportunity to
take it easy and put our feet up. Christmas day was different of course, but
even so it wasn’t until sitting down to Christmas dinner, just after 2pm, that I cracked open my first beer. Meantime Raspberry Wheat Beer, 5.0%, did what it said on the bottle and acted
as the perfect aperitif, the slight tartness from the raspberries, and the
wheat, serving to stimulate the palate, if that all doesn’t sound too
Fuller’s 1845 was the perfect accompaniment to our roast
turkey dinner, the combination of full-bodied malt and peppery, earthy hops
complimented the meat and vegetables perfectly, as this 6.3% abv beer has done in
previous years. When you know something works as well as this, why change
it? There may well be beers which will
equally compliment the Christmas pudding, mince pies and brandy sauce that
followed, but if there are I am not aware of them. Some decent coffee did the
trick instead, and that was it for a while as we decided to leave the cheese
and biscuits until later.

When we eventually felt like tackling the cheeses, much
later in the evening, I again found the perfect beer to go with them in the form
of Sharp’s Quadrapel Ale 10%. This
bottle from the brewery’s “Connoisseurs Choice” range was a 2011 vintage, being
left over from last year’s Christmas stash. The extended maturation hadn’t
harmed the beer, and it poured clear and well-conditioned, with a deep ruby
colour, an alcoholic fruity aroma and a full, rich bitter-sweet taste. It was
definitely a beer to savour, and it went really well with some strong,
well-matured cheddar, plus a bit of Stilton. Full marks to head brewer, Stuart
Howe for coming up with this one.
Boxing Day dawned clear and bright, so after breakfast I
decided to don my coat and hat and head down into Tonbridge to see how the town
had coped with the effects of the flooding. After a day and a half indoors, it
was nice to get out in the fresh air. It was doubly nice to see the sun and to
feel its welcoming warmth which, even at this time of year, was still discernible. The
town hadn’t fared as badly as I thought, although certain car parks were still
under water, and there were plenty of people about. Like me, I suspect they
were taking the opportunity of walking off a little of the previous day’s
excesses and just generally blowing a few cobwebs away.
Later in the day, around mid-afternoon, we sat down to some
cold meats (turkey and ham), bubble and squeak plus a selection of pickles. I
wasn’t quite sure which beer to choose to go with the food, so I plumped again
for a bottle of 1845. Like on the previous day, this proved to be a wise
choice; the strength and body of the beer standing up well against some
extremely hot pickled onions and some pretty strong piccalilli.
I only had one further beer on Boxing Day, but it was large
one and a strong one too. Meantime India
Pale Ale 7.4% in a 750ml champagne-style bottle was just right for an
evening’s leisurely drinking, being full-bodied with lots of chewy malt,
expertly balanced with oodles of Fuggles and Golding hops. A tremendous beer
which, despite its high strength, doesn’t taste at all cloying or too sweet.
So that’s the first three days of Christmas over, but I
don’t return to work until the 2nd January, which means that,
including today, there are still six more days to go. I do need to get out of the
house though, apart from just going shopping (like we did today); otherwise I’ll end
up suffering from “cabin fever”! I did have some plans for the garden, but in
view of the weather, and the absolutely saturated nature of the ground, they
will have to be put on hold. The extreme damp conditions underfoot also rule out a walk to
a nice country pub, although a trip by bus could be on the cards. It would be
good to check up on some of our local pubs to find out what sort of Christmas
they’ve been having, and what, if any, interesting beers they’ve got on.
Whatever the weather though, may I take this opportunity of
saying that I hope everyone reading this has had a good Christmas, and to wish
people all the best for the coming year.
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