Following these guidelines, the branch strategy changed, and
we began organising trips, by mini-bus, around a maximum of six short-listed
pubs, which had been chosen by members at our annual Good Beer Guide selection
meeting. The Pub of the Year was then selected from the scores awarded for each
pub by all members participating in the trip, following the guideline criteria
set out by CAMRA. In an attempt to present a more level playing field, there was
a “weighting formula” applied to certain criteria, but don’t ask me how it
worked, as I used to leave the working out to those more experienced in this
sort of thing.
These trips were highly enjoyable, but took quite a bit of
organising, especially with the hire of a mini-bus and finding a suitable
“designated driver” willing to sit there drinking soft drinks all day whilst the rest
of us were knocking back the beer. Because of their lengthy nature, the trips invariably had
to take place on a Saturday, and finding a mutually agreeable date could also
sometimes pose a problem.
Even this system was far from perfect, as concerns were
raised, that by the time members had reached the last couple of pubs on the
tour, their judgement could well be affected by the amount of beer they had
drunk! There was also the charge that voting for Pub of the Year was only open to
those taking part in the POTY Trip, so for the last two years the branch has
tried a somewhat more encompassing approach. This involves members visiting all
six pubs on the short list, in their own time and under their own steam, and scoring then appropriately.
Funnily enough, the end results have not been a lot different, but that’s a
different story.
So far I haven’t made my contribution to this enhanced
selection process; last year I was recovering from illness, whilst this year I have
just been too busy. However, I wasn’t too busy to make it along to the
award presentations that have taken place recently.
The first took place three weeks ago, and was the award of
Pub of the Year 2013, to the Halfway House, at Brenchley. This, I believe, is the
third year running that this unspoilt rural free house has received this
accolade, and deservedly so. For anyone not in the know, the Halfway House
offers a range of up to10 cask beers, many of them locally sourced, with a mild always included amongst the line-up. All beers are served direct from casks
which are kept in a temperature-controlled room, immediately behind the bar.
The pub also serves good food and is a delight to visit at any time of year.
During the winter months, a cosy log fire keeps the place warm and, aside from
the main bar, there is a warren of inter-linked rooms, on two different levels,
for those wanting some space of their own, or just some peace and quiet. In
summer, there is an extensive garden to the rear, and side of the pub, with
play equipment for energetic youngsters, and a separate “adults only” beer
garden for those not wanting children running around under their feet. The
latter is the venue for the pub’s twice yearly beer festivals, held over the
late May and August bank Holiday Weekends.
We called, to present landlord Richard Allen with his award,
following our visit to the Hopbine at Petteridge, after having walked across
the fields, through the rain. I was nice to be able to warm ourselves by the
fire, whilst enjoying the excellent beers from the wide range that Richard
We have had two other presentations following our visit to
Brenchley; both of which took place on the Saturday just gone. This year two
pubs ended up as joint runners up, and both were in Tunbridge Wells. The first
was the Bedford, handily located
next to the town’s railway station. Since owner, Simon Lewis took on the lease
from Greene King and negotiated a deal allowing him to sell a range of
independently-brewed beers alongside their own, the pub has gone from strength
to strength and has become the premier ale-house in Tunbridge Wells.
Because of Simon’s commitments elsewhere in the brewing
industry, the Bedford is now run by general
manager Mark Nicholson and his team. Mark has continued Simon’s policy of
stocking a range of different beers, and different styles, sourced mainly from
small breweries based in either Kent
or Sussex,
often showcasing the products of a brewery whose beers we don’t often see in
this part of the world. Last Saturday was no exception, with three different
beers from Goody Ales of Herne, near Canterbury,
in tap including a porter, plus two beers from the ever reliable Gadds of Ramsgate. There
was also an “enigma ale” from the Canterbury Brewery; more about that in a separate post. Apart from locally produced pies,
the Bedford doesn’t currently serve much in the way of food, but that is about
to change, with the re-fitting of the upstairs kitchen and the appointment of a
chef who is known to many local drinkers and CAMRA members.
After a couple of hours in the Bedford, it was time to leave
and walk the short distance up the hill to the other runner-up pub; the GroveTavern. Tucked away in the maze of small winding streets that lead down to the
High Street, the Grove is almost certainly the smallest, and possibly the oldest in pub in Tunbridge Wells.
So far as friendly and welcoming locals are concerned, it is also one of the
best. The beer range is perhaps slightly more mainstream than the Bedford’s,
but it still features interesting guests from time to time, alongside the
mainstays of Harvey’s Best and Taylor’s
Landlord. When we called in St Austell Trelawney and Harvey’s
Olympia were on sale, alongside the
Being so small, and with no room for a kitchen, and precious
little space for dining tables, the Grove is a beer only house, but is none the
worse for that. Landlord Steve Baxter has held the license on the pub since 2003, but leaves the day to day running to manager Sam and
bar staff Sally and Tony, whilst he concentrates on his other passion, and
business interest - computers. Being both a drinker’s pub as well as a locals’
one, it is safe to say the Grove attracts the cream of Tunbridge Wells's
“thinkers”, and there is often some interesting and, at times lively, debate
taking place at the bar.
There was another certificate to present to Steve, alongside
that for runner up in the Pub of the Year competition, 2013, sees the Grove
Tavern’s 10th consecutive appearance in the Good Beer Guide, so the
pub was presented with a special certificate commemorating this fact.
All in all, both Saturdays were good days out, and all three
pubs worthy recipients of their respective awards.
Mid photo, fella on the right. Quality beard. Respect.
Agreed, even though he looks like a refugee from the cast of "The Hobbit"!
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