The flip side of course about “Not Going Out”, is “Staying
In”. So how does someone who really likes a glass or two of decent beer equate
this with not venturing down to the local pub?
Easy, just pick up a selection of decent bottles from
whichever supermarket or off-licence is offering the best deals. Then, drink and
enjoy! The first thing I want to get straight is that whilst I’ve been a member
of CAMRA for nearly 40 years, apart from my early days with the campaign, I’ve
never really gone along with this Real Ale in a Bottle (RAIB) nonsense. I’ve
gone on record before to say that whilst RAIBs can sometimes be excellent, more
often than not they are pretty dire (primarily due to poor bottling techniques,
inadequate hygiene measures etc at many small breweries), and I don’t see any
advantages in them whatsoever. CAMRA needs to alter its position on this, but
somehow I can’t see that happening anytime soon.
Moving on, all the major supermarkets now offer a goods
selection of bottles beers, sourced both from her in the UK
as well as some of the better known examples from abroad. Obviously they wont
carry as wide or diverse a selection as a specialist off-licence, but generally
speaking, the larger the store, the greater the selection. Waitrose, in my opinion, are the best of the major supermarkets, and
my local branch makes a point of stocking beers from some of our better known
local breweries, such as Westerham, Whitstable and Hog’s Back, alongside some of
the more usual suspects. They also carry a reasonable range of foreign beers,
both ales and lagers, alongside “own brand” lagers, ales and wheat beers from
the Czech Republic,
Germany and Belgium.
Our local Sainsbury isn’t too bad either, also stocking
Westerham beers alongside a number from the rarely seen (in this neck of the
woods) Hopdaemon Brewery. For budget stuff, “cooking bitter”, Lidl’s step up to
the mark with bargain basement offers, from time to time, on beers from
Marstons or Shepherd Neame. I usually avoid the latter, I really dislike Shep’s,
but recently we’ve seen Oyster Stout from Marstons, alongside Jennings
Cocker-Hoop for just £1.19 a bottle!
Both Sainsbury’s and Waitrose run promotions along the lines
of three bottles for five pounds or, less often, three for the price of two,
and I normally take advantage of these offers to stock up on beers I am partial
too. Prior to Christmas, I built up quite a stock of both London Porter and 1845 from
Fullers, as well as Budvar Dark and Goose Island IPA. Incidentally, the latter
is currently on promotion at Waitrose at two bottles for three pounds – an
absolute bargain! I’ve also been
enjoying the Duchy Originals India Pale Ale, brewed at Wychwood Breweruy and bittered with English
Sovereign hops. Nice beer, and nice price at three bottles for a fiver! Morrisons and Tesco also run similar
promotions to their rivals, but for me both stores involve a trip to either Tunbridge
Wells or Sevenoaks respectively.
If I am feeling a bit more flushed I will pop into M&S
and take advantage of their six bottles for the price of five offers which
allows customers to “mix and match”. They also do a half decent Czech lager,
from Regent Brewery I believe, at just over £1.50 a bottle.
Other sources of good bottled beer include our local
farmers’ market, where Hepworths usually have a stall, or visits to certain
breweries. Harvey’s have a
wonderfully stocked shop, adjacent to their brewery in Lewes, but it is also
possible to pick up bottles from Westerham when they hold their brewery open
days. Since my wife and I sold our own off-licence, the Cask and Glass, six
years ago, and following the recent closure of the similarly-styled Bitter End
in Tunbridge Wells, there aren’t any specialist beer shops locally that I can
think of, although Noble Wines in Tunbridge Wells does carry a small
selection from Harvey’s, Nelson and Old Dairy from time to time.
Well that’s enough about sourcing the stuff; what about
drinking it? First, I don’t drink anything like as much at home as I would in a
pub. I normally find a single 500ml bottle quite sufficient, although sometimes
I will follow it with say a 330ml bottle of something a bit more unusual, or
that little bit stronger. Occasionally, mainly at weekends, I will stretch to a
couple of 500ml bottles, but this doesn’t happen that often. Contrast this to
when I go to the pub where three of four pints would be quite normal,
mainly because I will be drinking with a group of friends, and somehow on these
occasions the beer just seems to slide down so much easier!
So what do I do with the time that I might otherwise be
spending down the pub? Well, I write this blog for a start, that keeps me out
of mischief. This time of year and indeed right through from early spring to late
autumn, I spend a lot of time outdoors. I won’t go so far to say I am a keen
gardener, but I do like to keep our back yard looking neat and tidy, and just
recently I’ve started growing a few vegetables. During the winter months
there are usually plenty of DIY projects to keep me busy.
All in all, staying in, enjoying the odd beer or two,
spending time with the family, blogging, gardening etc does make me appreciate
far more those times when I do venture out. I’m off over Tunbridge Wells
tonight, meeting up with a good friend whom I haven’t seen in ages. We’re
heading to the Royal Oak, who are
holding a rolling beer festival in the pub. It’ll be good to have a nattier
over a few pints of something out of the ordinary. I’ll let you know how it
Paul: good series of posts that seem to reflect my pub going and beer drinking patterns. When I was younger and single, I went to the pub pretty regularily and it was the centre of my social life. Nowdays, a visit to the pub is really a treat, and usually food based.
I'm probably being snobbish, but I've got a theory that a pub's chalk boards show the soul of the pub: slightly illegible , handwritten boards-OK:identikit boards a bit dubious.
I really miss the pubs I grew up with, and cherish the ones that remain. A few do manage to combine the best of the past with the present, and are pearls beyond price.
Like you, most of my beer drinking is at home, in moderation:Gadds, Old Dairy, Westerham.
I'm not really very keen on bottled beers; I usually find them a disappointment compared to draught real ale, with the exception of Belgian beers. I am consequently still a frequent pub goer.
I usually find them a disappointment compared to draught real ale
They OUGHT to be a disappointment compared to draught real ale. Sadly, in West London, at any rate, it's too often the other way round.
Many brewery-conditioned bottles are very enjoyable, but I always think they lack that certain something compared with a really good pint of cask beer. Mind you, as Martyn says, that can be hard to find.
In general it's social factors that drive drinking patterns - it's rarely a straight 50/50 choice between staying in and going out.
David, I expect running a farm and a nursery doesn't leave you with much time spare for pub-going anyway.
Btw, I may have asked you this before, but where do you get your bottles of Gadds from?
RedNev, Martyn amd Curmudgeon, I'm always going to prefer a really well-kept pint of cask beer over bottled beer, although the Goose Island IPA I'm drinking at the momemnt takes some beating! However, like I've been saying in these articles circumstances often dictate that cracking open a bottle or two at home is a lot easier than an expidition to the pub.
Had a good time in Tunbridge Wells last night, though!
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