Beer-related travel, at home and abroad, exploring and indulging my passion for beer.
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Land of the Rising Sun
I'm off to Japan early tomorrow morning, so won't be blogging for a while. It's a business trip and together with a colleague, I will be visiting our parent company's head office and manufacturing facility in Kyoto.
For both of us, this will be our first time in Japan, and we're really looking forward to it. We've a busy schedule ahead of us, with lots of meetings, tours and demonstrations to fully occupy our time there. Several of our evenings are also marked out for us, with many of our Japanese colleagues keen to wine, dine and entertain us. We do, however, have some free time for sight-seeing, shopping etc., next weekend, before flying back on the Bank Holiday Monday.
I don't expect there will be much opportunity for beer-hunting, although I've managed to do a bit of forward research on-line. There are several breweries in Kyoto, including a couple of brew pubs. The on-line guide I saw advises that bottles from most of these breweries are available in major department stores, so if I don't manage to track down any of these breweries, at least I should be able to pick up some bottles to bring back with me.
I'll be reporting back in about 10 days time.
Last Night in Tunbridge Wells

I met up with Eric at Tonbridge station where we were also joined by Jon. We made the short train journey to TunbridgeWells and then had a leisurely walk, up the hill, to the Royal Oak. We found the pub packed, and although we could have found a seat, it was rather warm inside so, feeling a little flushed after our walk up from the station, decided to sit out on the terrace in front of the pub - after ordering our drinks of course!

All the beers, and indeed some of the breweries, were new to me, but the knowledgeable staff were able to issue guidelines as to the style, taste and appearance of each beer - other outlets, please take note! We all started with Mayor of Garratt, a 4.3% Best Bitter from By the Horns Brewery. We all agreed that this was an excellent example of a proper London Best Bitter, and for me this beer was the best of the evening. Two of us then moved on to Orchid, a 3.6% dark mild from East London Brewery. The barmaid was quite right when she advised it had liquorice and vanilla notes, and it certainly was another excellent beer. For our third, and final beer at the Oak, my colleagues chose Diamond Geezer, a 4.9% strong bitter, again from .By the Horns Brewery. I opted for Notting Hill Ruby Rye from Moncada Brewery, brewed as its name suggests with a portion of rye. Normally I steer clear of "red ales", but I have to say this one was certainly very pleasant, and didn't taste as strong as its 5.2% strength might have suggested.
We made this our final pint last at the Royal Oak. It was getting chilly outside, and the pub was becoming more and more crowded inside. The band had started up, and whilst all three of us appreciate live music, we really wanted to chat. Besides, we were hoping to meet up with our friends Iain and Carole. We assumed they would be in the Grove Tavern, so we made our way through the back streets to the Little Mount Sion area of Tunbridge Wells.
They weren't in the pub, but no matter, there was Harvey's Best and Olympia, plus Taylor's Landlod to tempt us to stay. We all went for the Landlord, which was in fine form, in fact I would sat the beer seems to have returned to something approaching its old best. There was talk of moving on to the Compasses, over the road, but we were comfortable where we were, and it wasn't that long before we would need to depart anyway to catch the last train home. A second, and final pint of Landlord was duly called for before we strolled back down the hill to the station, in plenty of time for our train.
Once again another good night over at the Wells; it's just a pity we don't have pubs of this calibre in Tonbridge.
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Not Going Out - Part 3

The flip side of course about “Not Going Out”, is “Staying
In”. So how does someone who really likes a glass or two of decent beer equate
this with not venturing down to the local pub?
Easy, just pick up a selection of decent bottles from
whichever supermarket or off-licence is offering the best deals. Then, drink and
enjoy! The first thing I want to get straight is that whilst I’ve been a member
of CAMRA for nearly 40 years, apart from my early days with the campaign, I’ve
never really gone along with this Real Ale in a Bottle (RAIB) nonsense. I’ve
gone on record before to say that whilst RAIBs can sometimes be excellent, more
often than not they are pretty dire (primarily due to poor bottling techniques,
inadequate hygiene measures etc at many small breweries), and I don’t see any
advantages in them whatsoever. CAMRA needs to alter its position on this, but
somehow I can’t see that happening anytime soon.
Moving on, all the major supermarkets now offer a goods
selection of bottles beers, sourced both from her in the UK
as well as some of the better known examples from abroad. Obviously they wont
carry as wide or diverse a selection as a specialist off-licence, but generally
speaking, the larger the store, the greater the selection. Waitrose, in my opinion, are the best of the major supermarkets, and
my local branch makes a point of stocking beers from some of our better known
local breweries, such as Westerham, Whitstable and Hog’s Back, alongside some of
the more usual suspects. They also carry a reasonable range of foreign beers,
both ales and lagers, alongside “own brand” lagers, ales and wheat beers from
the Czech Republic,
Germany and Belgium.
Our local Sainsbury isn’t too bad either, also stocking
Westerham beers alongside a number from the rarely seen (in this neck of the
woods) Hopdaemon Brewery. For budget stuff, “cooking bitter”, Lidl’s step up to
the mark with bargain basement offers, from time to time, on beers from
Marstons or Shepherd Neame. I usually avoid the latter, I really dislike Shep’s,
but recently we’ve seen Oyster Stout from Marstons, alongside Jennings
Cocker-Hoop for just £1.19 a bottle!
Both Sainsbury’s and Waitrose run promotions along the lines
of three bottles for five pounds or, less often, three for the price of two,
and I normally take advantage of these offers to stock up on beers I am partial
too. Prior to Christmas, I built up quite a stock of both London Porter and 1845 from
Fullers, as well as Budvar Dark and Goose Island IPA. Incidentally, the latter
is currently on promotion at Waitrose at two bottles for three pounds – an
absolute bargain! I’ve also been
enjoying the Duchy Originals India Pale Ale, brewed at Wychwood Breweruy and bittered with English
Sovereign hops. Nice beer, and nice price at three bottles for a fiver! Morrisons and Tesco also run similar
promotions to their rivals, but for me both stores involve a trip to either Tunbridge
Wells or Sevenoaks respectively.
If I am feeling a bit more flushed I will pop into M&S
and take advantage of their six bottles for the price of five offers which
allows customers to “mix and match”. They also do a half decent Czech lager,
from Regent Brewery I believe, at just over £1.50 a bottle.
Other sources of good bottled beer include our local
farmers’ market, where Hepworths usually have a stall, or visits to certain
breweries. Harvey’s have a
wonderfully stocked shop, adjacent to their brewery in Lewes, but it is also
possible to pick up bottles from Westerham when they hold their brewery open
days. Since my wife and I sold our own off-licence, the Cask and Glass, six
years ago, and following the recent closure of the similarly-styled Bitter End
in Tunbridge Wells, there aren’t any specialist beer shops locally that I can
think of, although Noble Wines in Tunbridge Wells does carry a small
selection from Harvey’s, Nelson and Old Dairy from time to time.
Well that’s enough about sourcing the stuff; what about
drinking it? First, I don’t drink anything like as much at home as I would in a
pub. I normally find a single 500ml bottle quite sufficient, although sometimes
I will follow it with say a 330ml bottle of something a bit more unusual, or
that little bit stronger. Occasionally, mainly at weekends, I will stretch to a
couple of 500ml bottles, but this doesn’t happen that often. Contrast this to
when I go to the pub where three of four pints would be quite normal,
mainly because I will be drinking with a group of friends, and somehow on these
occasions the beer just seems to slide down so much easier!
So what do I do with the time that I might otherwise be
spending down the pub? Well, I write this blog for a start, that keeps me out
of mischief. This time of year and indeed right through from early spring to late
autumn, I spend a lot of time outdoors. I won’t go so far to say I am a keen
gardener, but I do like to keep our back yard looking neat and tidy, and just
recently I’ve started growing a few vegetables. During the winter months
there are usually plenty of DIY projects to keep me busy.
All in all, staying in, enjoying the odd beer or two,
spending time with the family, blogging, gardening etc does make me appreciate
far more those times when I do venture out. I’m off over Tunbridge Wells
tonight, meeting up with a good friend whom I haven’t seen in ages. We’re
heading to the Royal Oak, who are
holding a rolling beer festival in the pub. It’ll be good to have a nattier
over a few pints of something out of the ordinary. I’ll let you know how it
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Not Going Out - Part Two

All this changed, of course, with the financial crisis of 2008, followed by the loss of confidence, and collapse in demand for new housing and other property developments. The effect on the construction industry was devastating, and many skilled tradesmen found themselves out of work. Once again, a lot of pubs ended up bereft of a large proportion of their regular trade, but this time there was no obvious group to replace them. In desperation, many landlords decided that what their customers wanted was a regular diet of Sky Sports, so they subsequently invested heavily in this area, in the hope it would pull in the punters.
In a way it did, but lager-swilling louts
wearing football shirts aren’t really the sort of customers conducive to a
friendly relaxed atmosphere, and the end result has been that a large
number of pubs now resemble American bars. Step inside and there is no escape
from the all pervasive TV screens, or the foul language of some of these
so-called football supporters.
The fact that so many formerly unspoilt locals have ended up
like this is sufficient to deter people like me from ever setting foot in them
again, but this situation would not have arisen if back in the 1970’s the
brewers, who were the main pub owners at the time, hadn’t embarked on a program
of knocking down internal walls and removing the age old distinctions between
public and saloon bars. At least in those days if one didn’t like the crowd in
the public bar, one could escape to the saloon and vice versa. Now, with so
many pubs resembling nothing more than soulless, single room "drinking
barns", there is no escape. On top of this comes the more or less
universal assault on ones ear-drums from juke boxes, piped muzak or the all
pervasive television. Why do landlords and bar staff think that everyone shares
their dubious taste in music? Why do
they think we want to watch horse racing, golf, snooker or any number of other
sporting pursuits?
Some licensees have tried, with some degree of success,
activities such as quiz nights, to help to bring the punters in, but things
such as karaoke nights or poker evenings are nothing but a major turn off so
far as I am concerned, and smack of desperation. As for the effect of the
smoking ban, well pubs were in decline for a long time prior to the
introduction of that ill thought out piece of legislation.
Some pubs have moved in the opposite direction and now
function as little more than high class restaurants. On the whole, food is a
development that ought to be welcomed in pubs, so long as they continue to
provider a reasonable amount of space for people who just want to drink.
So what’s to be done to encourage people like me, and
others, to return to the pub? Well, although it would be nice, it would be naive
in the extreme to expect a return to two, or even multi-bar pubs, but I can’t
help thinking that the rush to do away with what were considered as “outdated
symbols of class division” was the start of the slippery slope in the pub’s
long decline.
What I do see though from my admittedly infrequent forays
into pub land, is that pubs which offer a good range of well-kept cask beers,
together with decent continental lagers, and possibly the odd craft beer as
well thrown into the mix, are thriving. So are those pubs where convivial
conversation and friendly pub banter still rule the roost. There are several
pubs in both Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks that fall into these categories, but
I can’t really think of any that fit the bill in my home town of Tonbridge,
although one or two perhaps come close.
If I was to win the lottery I would be tempted to buy a pub
and put some of my ideas into practice, but until that unlikely day happens I’ll continue to do
most of my drinking at home, whilst making the occasional foray into
pub land.
I don't want to come across as a snob here. Back in my youth I was equally at home in both public and saloon bars; my choice being dictated by the situation and the company I was with. For example, a night out with my mates would normally be spent in the public bar, enjoying a game of darts or cribbage. Music would be provided by the juke box, where we, the punters, chose what was played rather than the bar staff. If one was entertaining a member of the opposite sex, then the saloon was the bar of choice. More refined, quieter (the music from the juke box in the adjoining bar, didn't normally carry through), and more comfortable surroundings. Things were much more civilised back then.
I don't want to come across as a snob here. Back in my youth I was equally at home in both public and saloon bars; my choice being dictated by the situation and the company I was with. For example, a night out with my mates would normally be spent in the public bar, enjoying a game of darts or cribbage. Music would be provided by the juke box, where we, the punters, chose what was played rather than the bar staff. If one was entertaining a member of the opposite sex, then the saloon was the bar of choice. More refined, quieter (the music from the juke box in the adjoining bar, didn't normally carry through), and more comfortable surroundings. Things were much more civilised back then.
Monday, 13 May 2013
Not Going Out - Part One
I have written before about how I changed from a regular
pub-goer to a rather infrequent one and, following a recent post by Curmudgeon,
I’m prompted to write again. Curmudgeon suggests that going to the pub for a
drink has become much less socially acceptable over the years. I disagree, as
to claim that pub going it is becoming more sociably unacceptable is to suggest
that it is an activity that is frowned upon, or is even something which society
as a whole does not approve of.
Whilst the latter point may well be the case amongst a small
minority of rabid teetotallers I think it is less true than it was 40 years ago
when I first started drinking. It was not, for example, an activity which my
mother approved, and I would say it is something she still doesn’t much approve
of today. Back in my schooldays, I can even remember one teacher, a Methodist
lay-preacher no less, describing public houses as “dens of iniquity and
inebriation”. Marvellous stuff, and like a throw-back to the height of the
Temperance movement in Victorian times!
However, leaving questions of maternal and scholarly
approval to one side, I would argue that people have stopped visiting pubs as
frequently as they once did, not because it’s socially unacceptable, BUT
because it’s either too expensive, or they have other, more important or
interesting things to do with their time and their money.
Taking the financial argument, I am convinced that the price
of a pint represents a far larger proportion of average take home pay than it
did say 20 or 30 years ago. For example, back in the early 1980’s, I always seemed to have money for a pint
whenever I felt like one, whereas now, despite my wages having probably
quadrupled, an evening in the pub is an occasional treat rather than an
everyday occurrence. Incredible, really; I earn far more than I’ve ever done
before and yet I can’t afford to go to the pub with anything like the frequency
I once used to. Something is definitely wrong somewhere!
Of course there are other factors to take into
consideration. For a start my mortgage
is considerably larger than it was 30 years ago, and there have been other
large, inflation-busting increases in things like council tax, gas, water and
electricity bills I run a car now, instead of relying on public transport to
get around. I am also fortunate to be able to take more holidays, and these of
course have to be paid for. All these factors add up to there being less money
available for going to the pub.
It seems that whilst living standards have generally risen the
price of a pint has risen much higher, and is now proportionally far higher
than it has ever been. This is the MAIN
reason why so many people, myself included, have stopped going to the pub on a
regular basis. In short, WE JUST CAN’T AFFORD IT!
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Support British Hops!

"The beer in front of you has been brewed with a unique hop, grown in Britain, that may have never been tasted before. We have been asked by Dr. Peter Derby of the National Hop Collection to brew with an unknown hop variety. This could be a historical variety not brewed with for a hundred years or a brand new variety never tasted anywhere in the world before. We’ve brewed the beer, now we’re asking for your help to give the growers some feedback on the flavours. We have used the hops throughout the brewing process to show all of the flavours possible. Your feedback will be taken seriously and by giving us an honest appraisal you will be helping to sustain one of the proudest features of our local landscape."
Anyone ordering a glass of Enigma was given a form, complete with a flavour wheel, and ask to score the beer according to eight different flavour groups, (Citrussy; Fruity; Floral; Herbal; Spicy; Resinous; Sugar-like; Miscellaneous), and using the following guidelines.
"Everyone’s palate is different and there are no wrong answers in taste, in order to help with clear flavour definitions we have provided a flavour wheel for your use. Any of the flavours in the segments (eg. orange, mandarin) are part of the flavour group heading (eg. Citrusy), if you detect these flavours then give a rating from 0-7 in the box provided. Please give an intensity rating for all eight flavour groups."
Of course, the correct balance of malt flavours also plays an important role in the overall taste and balance of the finished beer, and I think the people behind the project were right in choosing an innovative company, like Canterbury Brewers, whose portfolio includes a wide range of different beers and styles, to produce the beer for them.
Presenting the beer in such a fashion, with an intriguing name, an eye-catching pump-clip and, most importantly as a totally blind tasting, seems an excellent way of dispelling preconceptions and providing some completely unbiased feedback. It certainly worked last Saturday, as most of us present in the pub gave the beer a try. So what did it actually taste like? Well, I found it quite citrussy. especially on the nose, but there were also spicy and resinous components present as well. It was certainly a beer with character, and one I would be quite happy to drink on a regular basis.
I shall be keeping an eye om Canterbury Brewers website to find out what hop variety was actually used and whether it is an old or a brand new one. Whatever the answer, if it helps give a much needed boost to the British hop industry, then it gets my vote.
Monday, 6 May 2013
Pub of the Year 2013

Following these guidelines, the branch strategy changed, and
we began organising trips, by mini-bus, around a maximum of six short-listed
pubs, which had been chosen by members at our annual Good Beer Guide selection
meeting. The Pub of the Year was then selected from the scores awarded for each
pub by all members participating in the trip, following the guideline criteria
set out by CAMRA. In an attempt to present a more level playing field, there was
a “weighting formula” applied to certain criteria, but don’t ask me how it
worked, as I used to leave the working out to those more experienced in this
sort of thing.
These trips were highly enjoyable, but took quite a bit of
organising, especially with the hire of a mini-bus and finding a suitable
“designated driver” willing to sit there drinking soft drinks all day whilst the rest
of us were knocking back the beer. Because of their lengthy nature, the trips invariably had
to take place on a Saturday, and finding a mutually agreeable date could also
sometimes pose a problem.
Even this system was far from perfect, as concerns were
raised, that by the time members had reached the last couple of pubs on the
tour, their judgement could well be affected by the amount of beer they had
drunk! There was also the charge that voting for Pub of the Year was only open to
those taking part in the POTY Trip, so for the last two years the branch has
tried a somewhat more encompassing approach. This involves members visiting all
six pubs on the short list, in their own time and under their own steam, and scoring then appropriately.
Funnily enough, the end results have not been a lot different, but that’s a
different story.
So far I haven’t made my contribution to this enhanced
selection process; last year I was recovering from illness, whilst this year I have
just been too busy. However, I wasn’t too busy to make it along to the
award presentations that have taken place recently.
The first took place three weeks ago, and was the award of
Pub of the Year 2013, to the Halfway House, at Brenchley. This, I believe, is the
third year running that this unspoilt rural free house has received this
accolade, and deservedly so. For anyone not in the know, the Halfway House
offers a range of up to10 cask beers, many of them locally sourced, with a mild always included amongst the line-up. All beers are served direct from casks
which are kept in a temperature-controlled room, immediately behind the bar.
The pub also serves good food and is a delight to visit at any time of year.
During the winter months, a cosy log fire keeps the place warm and, aside from
the main bar, there is a warren of inter-linked rooms, on two different levels,
for those wanting some space of their own, or just some peace and quiet. In
summer, there is an extensive garden to the rear, and side of the pub, with
play equipment for energetic youngsters, and a separate “adults only” beer
garden for those not wanting children running around under their feet. The
latter is the venue for the pub’s twice yearly beer festivals, held over the
late May and August bank Holiday Weekends.
We called, to present landlord Richard Allen with his award,
following our visit to the Hopbine at Petteridge, after having walked across
the fields, through the rain. I was nice to be able to warm ourselves by the
fire, whilst enjoying the excellent beers from the wide range that Richard
We have had two other presentations following our visit to
Brenchley; both of which took place on the Saturday just gone. This year two
pubs ended up as joint runners up, and both were in Tunbridge Wells. The first
was the Bedford, handily located
next to the town’s railway station. Since owner, Simon Lewis took on the lease
from Greene King and negotiated a deal allowing him to sell a range of
independently-brewed beers alongside their own, the pub has gone from strength
to strength and has become the premier ale-house in Tunbridge Wells.
Because of Simon’s commitments elsewhere in the brewing
industry, the Bedford is now run by general
manager Mark Nicholson and his team. Mark has continued Simon’s policy of
stocking a range of different beers, and different styles, sourced mainly from
small breweries based in either Kent
or Sussex,
often showcasing the products of a brewery whose beers we don’t often see in
this part of the world. Last Saturday was no exception, with three different
beers from Goody Ales of Herne, near Canterbury,
in tap including a porter, plus two beers from the ever reliable Gadds of Ramsgate. There
was also an “enigma ale” from the Canterbury Brewery; more about that in a separate post. Apart from locally produced pies,
the Bedford doesn’t currently serve much in the way of food, but that is about
to change, with the re-fitting of the upstairs kitchen and the appointment of a
chef who is known to many local drinkers and CAMRA members.
After a couple of hours in the Bedford, it was time to leave
and walk the short distance up the hill to the other runner-up pub; the GroveTavern. Tucked away in the maze of small winding streets that lead down to the
High Street, the Grove is almost certainly the smallest, and possibly the oldest in pub in Tunbridge Wells.
So far as friendly and welcoming locals are concerned, it is also one of the
best. The beer range is perhaps slightly more mainstream than the Bedford’s,
but it still features interesting guests from time to time, alongside the
mainstays of Harvey’s Best and Taylor’s
Landlord. When we called in St Austell Trelawney and Harvey’s
Olympia were on sale, alongside the
Being so small, and with no room for a kitchen, and precious
little space for dining tables, the Grove is a beer only house, but is none the
worse for that. Landlord Steve Baxter has held the license on the pub since 2003, but leaves the day to day running to manager Sam and
bar staff Sally and Tony, whilst he concentrates on his other passion, and
business interest - computers. Being both a drinker’s pub as well as a locals’
one, it is safe to say the Grove attracts the cream of Tunbridge Wells's
“thinkers”, and there is often some interesting and, at times lively, debate
taking place at the bar.
There was another certificate to present to Steve, alongside
that for runner up in the Pub of the Year competition, 2013, sees the Grove
Tavern’s 10th consecutive appearance in the Good Beer Guide, so the
pub was presented with a special certificate commemorating this fact.
All in all, both Saturdays were good days out, and all three
pubs worthy recipients of their respective awards.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Angelfest 2013
Beer festivals are continuing to grow in popularity, with
the increase in both the type and scope of such events showing no sign of
abating. These days it’s not just pubs that are getting in on the act, but
sports and social clubs, and even heritage railways, which are holding their
own events.
The area covered by West Kent CAMRA has long played host to
the SIBA South East Region Beer Festival, staged initially at the Hop
Farm Country Park,
near Paddock Wood, but since 2009 held at Tonbridge Juddians Rugby Club. In addition, our local rail heritage group, the Spa Valley Railway, now have two very successful beer festivals under their belt, helped of course, by local CAMRA volunteers.
Not to be outdone, local association football team,
Tonbridge Angels have run their own beer festival, for the past two years,
which is held at their Longmead Stadium, in the north end of the town. I
couldn’t make last years inaugural event, so was determined no to muss this
year’s festival. Billed as Angelfest, beer and music festival, the event
certainly seems to have caught the public’s imagination. I visited on Saturday evening,
and when I arrived found the place packed.
Now I’m almost ashamed to say that despite having spent
nearly 30 years living in the town, I had never visited Tonbridge Angel’s
ground, and only had a vague inkling as to where it was. I say almost ashamed,
because I’m no big fan of football, despite having shown an interest during my
teenage years. To me, the “beautiful game” has been totally ruined by money, is
dominated by expensive players bought in from abroad, and played by a bunch o over-paid
prima-donnas, who are more interested in their lifestyles off the pitch than what
they should be doing on it! In short, football is no longer the workingman’s
game that it once was.
Leaving these consideration s aside, as none of them really
apply to Tonbridge Angels who play in the Blue Square South League (whatever
that is?), the organisers of Angelfest had pulled out all the stops to make the
event a success, with nearly 50 cask ales, a selection of Belgian beer, (both
draught as well as bottled), plus a succession of mainly local live music acts.
As is usual at festivals, beers were served direct from the cask, although the
draught Belgian beers were dispensed from a series of pressurised founts.
The beer selection was perhaps slightly unusual, consisting
of a number of Essex breweries - Colchester,
Crouch Vale and Shalfords, alongside Kent
brewers - Gadds, Old Dairy, Rockin Robin, Tonbridge and Westerham. There were a
couple from the North East, - Maxim and Northumberland (the latter, definitely not not my favourite), plus
Moles from Wiltshire and Sambrooks from London.
A mixed bag, so to speak, but something for everyone. By far and away my
favourite beer was Yakima Gold from Crouch Vale, followed closely by Amarillo
from the same company. Both beers are flavoured using American Amarillo hops.
What was really good about Angelfest, and what set it aside
from many CAMRA festivals, was the preponderance of young people, many of whom
were female. The ciders and Belgian beers obviously found favour with the latter
group, but many of the girls seemed at least willing to try the odd glass of
cask ale or two. There was also a healthy sprinkling of what could perhaps be
described as Tonbridge’s “alternative society”, drawn possibly by the music,
but hopefully by the beers as well.
The event was housed in a marquee, erected between the pitch
and the club bar, with access to the latter for toilet facilities etc. Although
I was there probably less than 3 hours, I thoroughly enjoyed myself as, it
seems, the majority of punters did as well. Admission to the festival was free,
but it was necessary to purchase a half-pint festival glass at £2, which was
non-refundable. I haven’t come across any feedback yet as to how the event
went, but judging by the number of attendees and the fact that one or two beers had run
out by Saturday night, I imagine the organisers will have been pleased with how
things went, and are probably already thinking about next year’s event.
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