I’ve touched on this point a couple of times in recent posts, and Boak & Bailey published an article a short while ago, stating "they wish they could have tasted certain beers in their heyday, when they were full of character and flavour, rather than the pale shadows of their former selves that so many of them have become today."

However, even as far back as the late 1970’s, when I was still living in Manchester, rumours abounded that Boddington’s had reduced the hopping rate of their most famous product to make it less aggressively bitter (blander), so as to increase its appeal to a wider audience. This was confirmed by someone we knew who worked at the brewery, although the company strenuously denied it (they would, wouldn’t they?). We ended up voting with our feet and switched to drinking in Holts’ pubs, where the bitter still tasted like bitter, and was also quite a bit cheaper as well!
Both Strangeways and Wandsworth have long since brewed their
last pints, so we can dismiss Boddington’s and Young’s from further discussion,
but what about Shepherd Neame, who are now Britain’s oldest
brewers? At its best Shep’s ordinary
bitter was the very perfection of a traditional Kentish beer, well-hopped, with those
wonderful floral notes associated with traditional hop varieties such as
Goldings. Now the beer has morphed into a thin, harsh-tasting, unpleasant brown bitter liquid, and I know very few people who actively seek it out, let alone admit to actually enjoying the stuff!. A clue as to what might have gone wrong at Sheps’s was
passed to me the other week by a friend who attended a “meet the brewer”
evening at the Sevenoaks JDW outlet, the Sennockian. The brewer in question was
from Whitstable Brewery, and during his talk he confessed to having worked for Shep’s in the
past. He mentioned, almost in passing, that the brewery had “cleaned up” their yeast, eliminating a “wild” strain
that had once been a vital element in the taste of the beers.
Boak & Bailey alluded briefly to this “cleaning up” of
yeast strains. Whilst this might make yeast selection and propagation easier at
the brewery, it can often have a detrimental effect on the taste of the
finished product. In Shep’s case though, I do not think this was solely to
blame for their bitter’s fall from grace; instead I believe the increasing use
of conical fermenters must also take responsibility, and not just at Shepherd
There is no doubt that conical vessels can have an adverse effect
on the taste and character of a beer, simply because fermentation takes place at a
much faster rate. Whereas wort in a traditional square fermenting vessel would
typically take around a week to ferment, this period is reduced to 3-4 days
when fermentation is switched to conical vessels. Another characteristic of
conical fermenters is the yeast sinks to the bottom of the vessel once fermentation
draws to a close. This happens even when “top fermenting “yeast strains are
used. Shepherd Neame use conicals, so do
Fuller’s plus Wells & Young's. I suspect Timothy Taylors use them as well,
as I know they have considerably expanded their brewery in recent times to cope with the increased demand, nationwide, for Landlord.
I don’t know about Hop Back or Exmoor,
although I suspect they are still small enough concerns to stick with more
traditional vessels. One beer though whose character was totally changed when
production switched to conicals, was Draught Bass. This was despite the brewery
claiming to have carried out extensive trials to ensure an almost identical
match between Bass brewed in the old Burton Union Sets and that brewed using
the more modern system. Despite my initial scepticism, I believe Bass did
achieve their aim to begin with, but after a while in its new environment, their
complex, multi-strain yeast began changing, leading to a significant loss of
character in the finished beer.
Of course, conical fermenters aren’t always the villains of
the piece. Back in the early 1990’s, renowned Bohemian brewers Pilsner Urquell,
carried out a similar exercise to Bass, switching the fermentation, and
subsequent maturation of their world-classic lager from open cylindrical oak
fermenters and massive, pitch-lined oak casks, to conical fermenters and
conditioning tanks. Unlike Bass though, Pilsner Urquell managed to get the
change right, and the finished beer is still a very good one. I know what I’m
talking about here; I visited the brewery in 1984, when the old ways of doing
things very much in place. I visited it again, last autumn, and to me the beer
tasted every bit as good, despite all the high tech equipment now in place, and
the company belonging to global brewing giant, SAB
– Miller.
So if changes in fermentation methods aren’t always the
reason why so many once cherished beers have lost their way, then what is? The
answer has to be good old fashioned economics. In situations where accountants start
to have more say in the running of a brewery, the temptation has to be to
cut back on certain expensive ingredients, in favour of slightly cheaper
alternatives. Maturation times are cut back, and the strength of a beer may
even be reduced, just “ever so slightly”.
The end result speaks for itself, but in a market where most
beers are promoted by brand, and where the brands in question are increasing in
popularity and appeal, then so what if a few “old duffers” start claiming the
beers aren’t what they used to be. For every once loyal follower of these
beers, there are probably a dozen more new converts, “aficionados” if you like,
who are all perfectly happy with what’s in their glass, having never known just
how good the somewhat bland beer they are now drinking, once was.
This, of course, is often (but not always), the price of
I suggested here that lack of proper maturation in the cellar may have something to do with it as well.
Word verification = "cloudies" ;-)
You are right about short cellar maturation times, Mudgie, and I think this is a subject worthy of a post in its own right.
Thinking back to when we had our Real Ale Off-Licence, I recall the almost volcanic erruptions that occured when a freshly stillaged cask of Taylor's Landlord was spiled. I think I'm right in saying there was a label pasted on the cask by the brewery, warning about this.
I somewhat doubt this is the case today; the reason being the vastly increased availability of Landlord, and similar beers, in none-tied outlets - as you point out in your "Opening Times" article.
Definitely food for thought here, and some interesting research opportunities as well.
Interesting article. I can confirm that Sheps 'cleaned up' (or changed completely) their yeast strain in the early 80's. This was around the same time they installed a lot of new conical fermenters too.
Master Brew was apparently a much higher hopped, characterful beer back then but the yeast strain in use caused no end of production problems.
Out of interest, who was the brewer from Whitsable who gave the talk? Both Rafik and Julian who work there worked for Sheps in the past.
I'm not certain which Whitstable brewer it was, Pete, but I will find out.
Sheps' bitter certainly was much more to my taste before the change of yeast. I also think their beers are far too well attenuated for my taste; the abv of each brew is significantly higher than the stated OG would suggest, indicating all the available malt sugars in the beer are fermented right out, with virtually no "body" remaining. The end result is a thin, astringent beer that I find rather unpleasant.
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