Following up on my previous post, and prompted by a comment made by Curmudgeon, I would like to move on and examine the effect that good cellar practice has on the flavour and character of the finished beer.
Most people are familiar with the story about how bitter, as a style of beer, developed from so-called “running ales” during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, primarily to do away with the lengthy maturation periods necessary for high strength IPA’s. Running ales were designed to undergo a short maturation in the pub cellar, before being considered ready for consumption. This maturation process is known as "cask-conditioning", because the beer comes into condition in the cask, and the beer itself, of course, is cask-conditioned ale (often referred to as "Real Ale") .

Moving on, as cask-conditioned beers grew in popularity, the demand for
people with the necessary cellar skills increased as well. Certainly during the
first half of the last century, it was not uncommon for pubs to employ a cellar-man, whose main task was to ensure the pub’s beers were served in tip-top
condition. Most large pubs, and even some of the smaller ones, would have
employed such a person; a necessity when one considers the phenomenal amounts
of bee that would have been served, particularly in industrial areas, where
heavy manual work was the order of the day – mining, iron and steel, ship
building etc.
The father of a friend of ours once told me about the part
time job he had, helping out with the cellar work at a pub in Dartford. It was particularly interesting to learn that 50 years ago, most draught (cask) beer
was supplied to pubs un-fined, and the landlords, or their cellar-men, would
add the finings themselves. Tony remembers doing this, (we would be talking
some time during the 1960’s). There may have been advantages for both brewer and
publican alike with this practice. For
example, it is known that finings gradually lose their ability to remove
suspended yeast from beer each time the cask is disturbed. So for example, if
the finings are added at the brewery they will start to work straight away, but
will then be re-mixed when the cask is loaded onto the dray. Again, during
transit the finings will start to work, but the contents of the cask are then
disturbed again when delivery to the pub takes place. The landlord, or his
cellar man, may choose to stillage the cask straight away, or they may leave
it, standing on end and then stillage it at a later date. Each time it is
moved the contents will be disturbed and the finings will have to do their job
all over again, and each time their power (ability) to clarify the
beer becomes less and less. On paper then it seems quite advantageous for the finings
to be added in the pub cellar; so why then did this practice die out?
The main reasons have to be those of poor quality draught beer, caused by
a variety of reasons, but in particular by a paucity of landlords, or other skilled personnel with the necessary cellar
skills. Worried by a lack of control over the final quality of their beer,
along with concerns over other related issues such as unhygienic or incorrect
temperature storage conditions for the finings,
(especially in the days before temperature controlled cellars), brewers
took the task of fining their beers back in-house. This was in spite of the disadvantages of fining
at the brewery, mentioned earlier. Although they now had total control over the
fining of their beers, there were other areas where, in more recent
years, they have also been pro-active in changing things, and not always for the good so far as drinkers are concerned.
The prime areas are those of controlling the yeast count of
the beer, when it leaves the brewery, and that of cutting down on the degree of
maturation/conditioning that occurs in the pub cellar. The two areas go hand in
hand, with most of the maturation now taking place at the brewery in special,
temperature-controlled, "conditioning tanks". The yeast count can now be much
more carefully controlled. Both these processes mean there is less work for the
publican/cellar-man to do, and also much less time is needed for the beer to
drop “bright” and thus be ready to serve. I have known casks to clear in a
matter of hours, and it is almost unheard of these days for a cask not to have
dropped bright overnight. It could be argued that as there is so little suspended yeast
in some beers when they arrive in the pub cellar, the term
"cask-conditioned" hardly applies! It often seems that clarity is now the sole
criterion when judging beer quality, and other equally important
considerations, such as degree of condition, removal of so-called "green flavours" associated with immature beer, have gone straight out the window,
along with aroma, taste, depth of flavour, etc.! Less time for publicans to wait before the beer can be
served, unfortunately often means less time for characteristic “signature”
flavours to develop, and this may well be the reason that many once classic beers
are now mere shadows of their former selves.
One very recent development in cask beer cuts maturation
times even further. fastcask™ is a new
innovation from Marston's. The idea behind it is, as the trade marked name
suggests, the beer clears virtually straight away. This video from the company
shows a cask of Hobgoblin being delivered to a pub cellar, where it is
immediately stillaged, tapped and spiled. Despite having just been dropped down
the cellar chute, rolled and man-handled into place, the beer is bright and
ready to serve immediately after tapping. The company also claim that if the
cask is accidentally knocked, or other-wise disturbed, the beer will remain
clear. The beer is not “bright” in the commonly accepted use of the word in
brewing circles, that is to day it has not been filtered. However, instead of
yeast suspended in the usual fashion, the yeast in fastcask™
has been bonded to gel-like beads which, being much denser than normal
yeast particles, will sink to the bottom
of the cask more or less straight away.
The system was launched in a blaze of publicity two or three years ago, and whilst several Marston’s beers are available in fastcask™ form,
Hobgoblin is now only sold in this form. Whilst I can see the obvious
advantages of this innovation, especially with regard to handling in the pub
cellar, but also as a means of persuading pubs which may not have considered
taking cask beer before to now stock it, I can’t help thinking that cutting
down on maturation times prior to serving the beer is a step in the wrong
direction. Time spent conditioning and maturing the beer has been sacrificed
for the expediency of being able to serve the beer straight away. This development is designed for lazy publicans and for people who are unable to plan ahead. I'm not sure just how well fastcask™ has caught on. I certainly haven't read or seen anything more about it recently.
Looking back to my earlier point about what went on in pub cellars half a century ago, I want to end with the following two stories which nicely illustrate old time cellar practices:
Most readers will know I
don’t like Shepherd Neame beers, but some will be unaware that back in the late 1970’s - early 80’s their
bitter was one of my favourite beers. The all time, absolute best pint of Shep's
available locally (or indeed anywhere) was to be had at the Dog & Bear at Lenham. This picturesque village is roughly halfway between Maidstone
and Ashford, and the Dog & Bear is a splendid old, former coaching inn
overlooking the village square. At the time I am referring to, the pub was
presided over by a very dour, yet real character of a landlord known
universally as "Squirrel". I never did discover his real name, but
Squirrel's Bitter was unsurpassed. Squirrel’s domain was the saloon bar of the
Dog & Bear, whilst his wife, Joyce, presided over the public bar. The bars
were even signed accordingly as "Squirrels Bar" and “Joyce’s Bar”.
Although not revealing his
name, "Squirrel" did divulge his secret of keeping and serving such
an excellent pint of Shep's. However, this knowledge was not disseminated to me,
but rather to a fellow CAMRA member (now sadly passed away), who not only lived locally but who had
been using the Dog & Bear for many years. What Squirrel did was quite simply
to order sufficient beer in advance to enable casks to be kept in his cellar
for a minimum of two weeks, before tapping them. The result was an absolute
explosion of hoppiness, combined with an extremely well conditioned and matured
pint. It certainly ranks as being amongst the finest beer I have ever tasted.
The practice of leaving
the beer to mature in the cellar was also endorsed in one of the Batsford pubguides. "Kent Pubs", written by D.B. Tubbs and published in
1966, contains a remark attributed to Mr Bob Harvey, landlord of the now sadly
closed, Woodman’s Arms, at Hassel Street, near Wye. “The secret of keeping
beer and ale, my lad, is to order it in advance so it can lay for two weeks
before you tap it". If only modern landlords would adopt this practice,
the beer drinker’s lot would be a much happier (and hoppier) one!
Ah, Squirrel! The Dog and Bear was a real destination pub in his day. I was in there a couple of weeks ago:corporate and lacklustre beer. Do you remember the Plough at the top of Liverton Hill, a few miles south of Lenham? I was always intrigued, but never had the opportunity of going in. It must have closed in the mid 70s.
The clue is in the name isn't it? "Cask conditioned" beer, or as it was called sometimes, "cask matured"
Many beers that still have a decent yeast count would be much improved by a week or more of cellaring. I agree with you entirely on that point. It probably wouldn't do most of the others much harm either.
I'll probably have more to say, when I've read all this again! Good stuff.
David, glad someone else remembers the legendary Squirrel. You don't get characters like that running pubs any more!
I don't recall the Plough at Liverton Hill, but I do remember an evening, back in the early 70's, exploring some of the pubs along the ridge there, starting from Pluckley and then heading west towards Lenham. It's possible we may have called in at the Plough - can you tell me a bit more about it? especially as you say you were intrigued with it.
Tandleman, as stated in the article, my concern is the lack of proper conditioning that takes place in the cask these days. I'm all for encouraging more pubs to serve cask beer, but not when character is sacrificed just to get a clear pint in a couple of hours, (or less!).
Btw, did CAMRA eventually endorsed the fastcask idea? If they did it seems perverse considering their stance on "cask breathers", and indicates that dispense method seems more important than what's actually in the cask.
Paul: Intrigued but not enough to go in! It looked very small, no car park. Rather wish I had bothered. We used to use the Pig and Whistle by Grafty Green-landlord was a postman,also the Provender at Pye (Pie?)Corner at Ulcombe. A bit upmarket with an enthusiastic landlord, but it sold Young's, which was a plus point in the mid 70's. All closed now.
Very good. Nowadays the brewer has access to yeasts (e.g. Fermentis F2 pdf) specifically selected for cask-conditioning which can be introduced (with priming sugar) to (almost) bright beer after a period of tank maturation. I gather these yeasts produce carbonation, but little in the way of extra flavour.
David, I remember (just), the Pig & Whistle, the Provender, and also the Shant Hotel (Prince of Wales), all now sadly closed. I vaguely remember calling in at a place which seemed more like a small country house, in the Grafty Green area, back in the mid 70's. Can't for the life of me remember what it was called (I don't think I was paying much attention at the time), but it was set in what can only be described as "ornamental parkland". Any ideas?
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