It’s probably a good job I don’t live within walking
distance of the Cooper’s Arms in Crowborough, as I’d probably be in there every
night. Not only would my waistline be even more expansive than it already is,
but my bank balance would also be looking rather unhealthy. I say this because
the unspoilt Cooper’s, in its tucked away location, right on the edge of
Crowborough, is definitely my sort of pub.
I first became acquainted with the Cooper’s over 20 years
ago, when I was taken there for lunch by the owner of a printing company who
used to look after the print requirements of the company I worked for at the
time. The pub was Brian’s local, and straight away I could see why he liked the
place. Back then it was a Charington’s tied house which served a very
acceptable pint of Draught Bass, and also a very good lunch!
Fast forward to 2007 and several changes of job later, I
returned to the Cooper’s Arms in the company of a group of local CAMRA members,
to find it too had undergone several changes. After a number of changes of
ownership, which included a spell under Greene King, the pub had become a
thriving free-house. At the time of our visit the Cooper’s was holding a
mini-beer festival celebrating that most threatened of native beer-styles, mild.
It must have been a goods festival, as my recollections of that visit are
somewhat hazy, but three years later I returned to the pub for a third time,
again with friends from West Kent CAMRA. On that occasion we were on our way
home from a visit to the1648 Brewing Company, who are based in the Sussex
Wealden village of East
Hoathly, just behind the King’s Head pub. Our
journey had involved several changes of bus, so we decided to break the return
trip up a bit with a stopover in Crowborough, and a visit to the Cooper’s Arms.
It’s a long walk down to the pub from the centre of
Crowborough; in fact it’s one of those walks where you keep thinking the pub is
just around the next corner, or just over the brow of the hill. We found the
same on Saturday, when seven of us made the 20 minute bus trip from Tunbridge
Wells, in order to attend the Cooper’s Dark and Delicious Winter Beer Festival.
Crowborough is the highest town in South East England, and has a reputation for
being cold and windy. This was certainly the case on this occasion, although we
were rewarded with some sunshine; a welcome sight after the torrential
downpours of recent weeks. The route down to the pub takes one past some large
and very posh looking houses, many of which have splendid views out towards the
High Weald. The terrain dips sharply as one turns into the side road where the
pub is situated, and here the views of the edge of Ashdown
Forest are quite spectacular.
The pub itself is an attractive late Victorian building
perched on the side of the hill. It is constructed out of brick and local
stone, with a terrace at the front. Internally there is one long and quite
narrow bar, which opens up at both ends. There are rooms leading off at either
end as well; one of which functions as the pub’s dining room. There was plenty
of room when we arrived at the pub, shortly before 12.30pm, but that was soon to change. We had been invited
along by members of North Sussex CAMRA, into whose branch area the pub falls.
They would be arriving slightly later by bus, along with a contingent from the
adjoining East and Mid-Surrey branch. Luckily for us this meant we were able to
grab the best seats, and also order our food before the rush.
So what Dark and Delicious Winter beers were on sale? Well
there were twelve in total, all dispensed from several banks of hand pumps
dotted along the bar. With the exception of the pale, citrus-flavoured 3.8%
Jarl, from Fyne Ales, all the beers were dark, ranging from milds and porters,
to stouts and old ales, plus a barley wine. There was also a brown Abbey-style
beer from Steenbrugge in Belgium,
which was dispensed from a keg tap.
I didn’t try them all, and neither did I have pints of all
those that I did try, but I did indulge myself with a few pints of the beers I
was especially interested in. The ones which really stood out were Dark Monro,
a 4.0% chocolate and coffee flavoured dark mild from Highland Brewery. (Their
5.0% Oat Stout was also very good). “Rhatas”, a rich dark bitter from Black Dog
Brewery of Melmerby, North Yorkshire, was very
enjoyable, but the star of the show, as far as I was concerned, was the
award-winning 1872 Porter from Elland Brewery in West Yorkshire.
Despite its 6.5% strength, this definitely was a beer to be drunk, and enjoyed
by the pint!
The pub had one further surprise in store, a cask of Dark
Star Critical Mass; a 7.5% winter ale which is brewed just once a year. The
Cooper’s landlord had a cask of this strong and robust dark ale, which was
brewed back in 2012, maturing in his cellar. Given the high strength of this
beer to start with and lengthy maturation period it had been through, I wisely
plumped for a half pint. It was certainly interesting, shall we say;
slightly vinous in character with a taste which reminded me of the Galloway’s
Cough Linctus I had been dosed up with as a kid. Not unpleasant, but definitely
a beer to be sipped, rather than swigged!
The aforementioned bus party turned up about 20 minutes
after our arrival. Their mode of transport was a vintage red
London Transport Route-Master, double-deck bus, complete with its front destination board
showing Putney Common. The pub, of course, was expecting them, although as they
all started filing in I had my doubts there would be enough room for them. I
needn’t have worried, as the Tardis-like pub managed to accommodate them all. I
had taken the precaution of ordering another pint, as well as my lunch, the
moment I saw the bus drive past the pub window, but the landlord and his two
helpers behind the bar coped admirably with the thirsty arrivals, and soon
everyone had a beer and found a place, either seated or standing, and people
were mingling and chatting affably.
The Cooper’s is a “quiet pub”, in respect of no recorded
music or fruit machines, but in the room at the left, closest to the entrance,
it had provided a large screen TV for those wanting to watch the opening games
of the Six Nations Rugby Tournament. I was quite content, for my part, to sit
and enjoy my home-made burger and chips, together with the excellent beer.
Later, I enjoyed mingling amongst some of the newcomers, and swapping
information about beer and pubs as CAMRA members are wont to do.
We left the pub just after 4pm,
for the long walk back up the hill into Crowborough. The festival was still in
full swing when we departed, but we thanked the landlord and his staff for
their excellent beer and food and for their hard work in looking after us all.
We called in at two other pubs on the way back to Tunbridge Wells; possibly not
the wisest of decisions considering the amount of strong beer we had already
drunk! I won’t say anything more at this stage, but both were good and both
were heaving. It seems that at least some pubs in this part of the country are
doing things right!