Just under three years ago, I published a post entitled “Getting the juices flowing.” A more apt title would have been “Getting the CREATIVE
juices flowing,” as the post was really about the part played by alcohol in
getting one's “creative juices” flowing, especially when it comes to writing.
I used the example of American writer, Ernest Hemingway, as
the perfect illustration of this, and the experiences he recounted of the time he
spent in Paris, during the
years 1921-1926, when he was a young, penniless and virtually unknown writer.
Hemingway recalled a world of boozy and leisurely lunches and long café nights,
and of hanging around in bookstores to escape the cold and windswept streets
outside and of writing long into the night.

If proof of this were needed, my written output over the
past 10 days or so had been somewhat subdued. I mentioned about having had a
tooth extracted, and have been quite surprised how much this relatively
simple procedure has knocked me for six. I bounced back pretty quickly after
having my wisdom teeth removed, but that was 40 years ago, so perhaps my body
is trying to tell me to slow down a little.
Feeling under the weather has also put me off my beer, so I don’t know whether that is the cause of my
current lack of inspiration for something to write about. On the other hand it
could just be a combination of working too hard and trying to cram too much
other stuff in.
I really need to get my mojo back so now, more than ever, I feel a longing for that nice cool
mug of beer, consumed in that warm, sunny Bavarian beer garden, over-looking the River
Danube. Only another 12 days to go!!
I for one really look forward to your posts about Regensburg. The town is a personal favorite of mine even though I have only visited once. The kind of town you wish you could retire to at some point.
Alcohol certainly gets the fingers typing, but I do think after two beers one should step away from the keyboard. I think some of the Internet vitriol is the result of one two many beers.
Hope the tooth is healing.
Dave, I agree that Regensburg would be a nice town to retire to at some time in the future. This will be my third trip to the city; my wife having persuaded me to return there after she fell in love with the place last year. My first visit was in 2008, and like you I always wanted to go back.
You are correct about just the right amount of alcohol stimulating the creative juices, but fortunately after a few more, I tend to nod off rather than typing something I later regret.
My jaw feels a lot better today, thank-you. I have certainly been in a melancholic mood these past few days, so it is good to start feeling human again!
Sad that I need to say this, but I do know when to use too versus two. Wow!
I hadn't spotted that one Dave, although I suspect one or two others might have!
It could be more than two others... too! ��
"but I am certainly of the opinion that a beer or two really does help me to focus and knock out the odd article."
Totally agree. While I don't write articles I do pen short birthday poems for relatives and friends. I too (not 'two' 😊) like to sit down with a beer before I begin.
Oh and best of luck revitalizing your mojo in Regensburg.
Thanks Russ. Full reports on Regensburg will appear following our return.
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