I must confess there is a personal interest here, as back in
the early 1980’s when I was living in the county town, I was an active member
of Maidstone and Mid-Kent CAMRA, and still keep in touch
with several members of the branch. My association with Maidstone CAMRA was
strengthened recently, as back in April I met up with a contingent from the
branch at the CAMRA Member’s Weekend and AGM
in Norwich.
Maidstone CAMRA have been running their annual beer festival
for more years than I care to remember, and for a long time the event was held
at the Kent Museum of Rural Life, at Addington, just outside Maidstone. I was a
regular attendee at this festival, as was my son when he was younger, for there
was always something different and interesting for him to see at the museum, whilst I
enjoyed a few beers. However, in 2010, alarmed at the increasing costs of admission to the
museum which, they believed, was starting to discourage people from attending,
Maidstone CAMRA decided to take the festival elsewhere and relocated it to East Malling Research Centre. The event is now organised and run solely by the
For various reasons I have missed attending the festival
since its relocation, so Saturday was bound to be an
interesting day out. I am vaguely familiar with the site, as in the past I have
walked through some of the extensive orchards which form part of this important
fruit research centre. To reach East Malling from Tonbridge my friend Don and I
travelled by train along the scenic Medway Valley line, from Paddock Wood and
then up through Maidstone to Aylesford; site of an ancient river crossing, but
these days marred by industrial development and extensive paper mills. There
was a free, half-hourly shuttle bus, running between Aylesford station and the
Research Centre, making an almost seamless journey. The admission charge to
CAMRA members was just £2.00; far better value compared to the £11.00 or so
charged by the Alternative Maidstone Beer & Hop Festival, which is run by the Kent
Museum of Rural Life, and takes place over the same weekend.
I have to say that East Malling Research Centre is a lovely
place to hold a beer festival, with its orchards set against the backdrop of
the North Downs and with the dramatic gap formed by the
River Medway in the distance. A couple of marquees, set at right angles to each
other, are used to store and serve the beers and also to provide a limited
amount of indoor seating and protection against the elements, should it decide
to rain. That perhaps is the main drawback to this festival, as it is much more
weather dependent than most. We were lucky this year, as although temperatures
had dropped significantly from their mid-week peak in the upper twenties; for
the most part it remained sunny, allowing festival goers the chance to soak up
the early autumn sunshine and to listen to the varying live acts that formed
the afternoon’s entertainment.
However, although the large open field in which the festival
takes place is surrounded by tall hedges, of the type traditionally planted in
fruit-growing areas as protection against cold winds, there is little in the
way of shelter should the heavens decide to open. We were lucky to get a seat
inside the tent, as a couple of Don’s friends, who live locally, had arrived virtually
on opening time and had managed to procure a table and chairs, so the folding
canvas chairs I had brought as a precaution were not needed.
As for the beer, there was a mix of local brews combined
with offerings from further a field, with around 60 beers in total. As things
turned out, this was not enough. The sunny weather had attracted large numbers
of people, and from mid-afternoon onwards thirsty drinkers were four or five
deep at the bar. I felt sorry for the hard-pressed staff as they struggled to
serve the hordes of thirsty punters, but by 6pm
their tribulations were over and the beer had all run out. The cider had run
out an hour or so beforehand, proving how popular this traditional alternative
to beer has become in recent years. Unfortunately there were still two hours
left, but with no beer left, Don and I decided to make a move, and catch the next
bus back to Aylesford station before the queues built up too much, once people decided to leave en mass.
Beer of the Festival for me was Salopian Lemon Dream, a 4.5%
bright-golden top-fermented, wheat beer, served “bright”. According to the
copious tasting notes supplied as part of the festival programme, the recipe
uses a small amount of fresh lemon to compliment the citrus flavours produced
by the Goldings, Saaz and Cascade hops. Also on top form were Raspberry Blonde,
from Saltaire and Top Totty from Slaters.
Would I go again? Yes if the sun is shining, but definitely
not if it is pouring down with rain.
hi do you know anyone that home brews beer and has any brewers grain that is being thrown away? many thanks x
I used to brew myself Emily, but packed it in, due largely to time constraints, over 10 years ago. I used to compost my spent brewers grains back then.
Unfortunately I don't know any home-brewers these days although, depending where you live, it might be worth giving your local micro-brewery a call to see if they've got any spent grains to spare.
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