The weather was glorious (sunny and warm), the food was hearty and high in calories, and although most of the beer we drunk came from the city's industrial size brewers, it still slipped down a little too easily! Above all we enjoyed that hard to defne mood/state/atmosphere that the Irish call Craic, the Danes Hygge and the Germans Gemuetlichkeit. There was certainly plenty of the latter in the Hofbraeuhaus; and yes we did manage to get served in less than five minutes on both visits!
There's much to report; mainly good, and I'll be elaborating further over the next week or two. In the meantime, I've a lot of catcing up to do and it's also back to work in the morning. An early night is therefore in order. Bye for now.
Every time you go to Munich you get glorious weather. I always get rained on from a great height at least some of the time.
Not fair.
Yes, what is your secret to fine weather? There's always rain for me.
Well they say the sun always shines on the righteous! Seriously though, we did have some rain, with a thunderstorm and torrential downpour on our second day there, plus persistent rain on the morning of our last full day in Munich, (the day we went to Kloster Andechs).
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