Thursday 18 February 2021

Obstacles to pubs re-opening

As rates of infection for Coronavirus continue to fall and the roll out of the two Covid-19 vaccines gathers increasing pace, there’s been considerable and somewhat predictable speculation as to when the current lockdown restrictions will ease, and some semblance of normality returns to our lives.

Not least amongst all this second-guessing is the vexed question of when will the nation’s pubs finally be allowed to open their doors again and go about their lawful business? Reports circulating a few weeks ago suggested that pubs could potentially reopen as early as April but would not be able to serve alcohol.

This not only defeats the object of a pub, but also shows a total lack of understanding of what pubs are all about. The person behind this frankly ludicrous suggestion was rumoured to be Chris Whitty, the government’s Chief medical Officer, whose obsessive fears about spreading the virus appear to have clouded his judgement. His argument is that because alcohol lowers inhibitions and makes social distancing more difficult, a "no- booze approach" is the safest option.

Prof Whitty is reported to be single, a teetotaler who admits to no outside interests, so he’s not exactly the pub goer’s champion. He conveniently ignores the fact that when pubs were finally allowed to open their doors, for a few glorious months last summer, the vast majority of pub-goers behaved sensibly and responsibly.

Fortunately, the government seem to have shelved this daft idea, which attracted universal criticism from licensees, trade bodies and pub goers alike. The other good news is there will be no daft 10 o’clock curfew, and no more absurd nonsense regarding a “substantial meal”– the so-called “Scotch Egg rule.”

Reading between the lines, it seems as though drinkers will be encouraged to make full use of outdoor drinking spaces, such as pub gardens and patio areas, but this suggestion has opened another set of problems.

The most recent news suggests that pubs will be permitted to reopen from April, but only with customers seated outside. These tentative plans to allow beer garden service only, have attracted fierce criticism from the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) - the industry trade body that represents the pub sector.

BBPA advise that 29,000 pubs, about 60% of the nations’ total, do not have a big enough garden or other outdoor area to welcome drinkers without also needing to open the indoor areas as well. This equates to that more than half of the UK’s pubs not reopening whilst the rest would be at the mercy of the weather.

BBPA chief executive Emma McClarkin said, “Even if some pubs did try to open outdoors only in April, all it would take is some heavy rain and they would find it has all been for nothing. For many pubs, gardens are at the back and the only way to access them is through the inside. And of course, toilet facilities would still need to be provided.” She finished by saying, “We question the government’s thinking behind this and suggest they consult with us as a sector on it.”

That last suggestion is far to sensible for a government packed full of fools and sycophantic “yes men” to listen to, let alone take notice of. The obsessive, nannying, pseudo-scientists advising them, are also unlikely to listen, with their namby-pamby, “play it safe" approach. But as the author Hugh Walpole wrote, “Don’t play for safety. It’s the most dangerous thing in the world.”

The BBPA is pushing for pubs to be able to serve customers indoors as soon as non-essential shops are allowed to reopen. It said about 75% of pubs have some outdoor space but only 40% could open it if restrictions on indoor movement persist. Most of those that could open would not break even due to the logistical challenges and unpredictable April weather. Restricting indoor service would mean just 17% of UK pub capacity would be available, resulting in £1.5bn of lost turnover compared with normal times.

Their spokesperson said, “We urge the government to open our pubs inside – and outside – when non-essential retail also opens. By then, the vaccine will have been rolled out to millions more, and pubs can open while continuing to follow exemplary hygiene measures, world-leading standards in guidance and social distancing."

“Until then, the government must do all it can to support our sector, until it opens to trade properly, in the upcoming budget.”  Hear hear!

From a personal point of view, whilst fully endorsing the BBPA suggestions, if pubs are forced down the outdoor drinking route, I will definitely support them with my custom, as long as this "half-way house" idea is just a temporary step along the road to full opening, with proper, stand-up, vertical drinking.


Sunday 14 February 2021

Are rumours true for 2022?

If the rumours are true, and I’ve no reason to believe they aren’t, CAMRA – the Campaign for Real Ale is making plans to publish a 2022 edition of is best selling Good Beer Guide. Why is this newsworthy? I hear you ask.

Well, in case it had escaped your attention, we’re still in the grip of a global pandemic, and the UK is still in the middle of its 3rd National Lockdown. In many cases, certainly here in Kent – origin of the fast becoming, world dominant B.1.1.7 variant of Coronavirus, pubs have been closed since the beginning of November, with no signs of being allowed to reopen until May, at the earliest.

This leaves a number of quite serious hurdles to surmount if an edition of Britain’s top-selling pub guide is to grace the nation’s bookshops, from next autumn; not least of which is how will local CAMRA branches go about surveying and selecting entries. Also, given the devastating effect closure has already had on the licensed trade, how many pubs will be in a financial position to reopen once they’re allowed?

At the beginning of October last year, I wrote a lengthy piece on the difficulties associated with producing such a guide, so I don’t intend on going over them again. What I will say is few people appreciate the effort that goes into the Good Beer Guide, and the sheer volume of work that has to be done before the publication is sent off to the printers and “put to bed,” as they say in the print trade.

Nearly all of this work is unpaid and carried out by branch volunteers. The cynics amongst you might say that as these individuals have nothing else to do (they can’t go to the pub, can they?), they will be quite happy sitting at home, acting as unpaid data in-putters. This misses the point, and what’s more the data the volunteers will be working for is likely to be the most up to date and, given the evolving situation, highly likely to change.

Before going any further, I haven’t actually seen the plans that CAMRA have
for what will be an interim, rather than a full, true to form edition. There is no news of this venture on CAMRA’s official website, although after searching I did find one local CAMRA branch making tentative plans for surveying and selecting potential pubs - virtually?

Instead, I am relying on information published by avid GBG “ticker” and prolific blogger, Retired Martin, on his site of the same name. Martin mentions CAMRA Discourse – a forum I am unable to access now that I’m no longer a CAMRA member, before going on to state that the guide will contain around 3,600 pubs that are identified as open and serving cask, with a launch planned for late October.

Sales of the guide will inject some much-needed cash into CAMRA’s coffers but, more importantly, will keep the whole Good Beer Guide idea alive. The publication of even an interim guide, will also provide a sense of continuity – an important point to note in what will be the 50th anniversary of CAMRA’s foundation.

Although I am no longer a member, I still have a soft spot for the Campaign, so if the guide does appear next year,  I wish the GBG, and CAMRA all the very best.

You can read more about the work that goes into the publication of the Good Beer Guide each year, by clicking on the link, here.