Today, one of my work colleagues is flying out to Egypt, for some winter sun. He told me, that the sun will help lift the mood of his partner, who is affected quite badly by a lack of sunshine, during the winter months. Coming originally from South Africa, this perhaps isn’t surprising, but he was confident that once his girlfriend gets out, by the pool, and starts soaking up those golden rays, she will be a different person. SAD isn’t a condition that I’ve given lot of thought to, but it certainly makes a lot of sense. Shortly before Christmas, I booked a mini cruise for the whole family, which means Matthew will be joining Mrs PBT’s and I on a short return sailing, across the North Sea, to the former Hanseatic, north German port city of Hamburg. It will be Matthew’s first visit to this part of Germany, as well as his first cruise. It will also be a nice family break for all three of us, especially as it will be a pre-cursor to the late spring, "round Britain cruise" that Mrs PBT’s and I will be embarking on, in the last week of May. Back to the melancholia for a moment or two, global events haven’t exactly helped. The world economy still hasn’t recovered completely from the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Many governments had to either borrow heavily, or to accept a bail from organisations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The global pandemic of 2020-23, didn’t help either, as with populations across the world forced into lock-down and isolation, in order to contain and prevent the spread of COVID 19, governments were forced to introduce furlough schemes, just to keep economies and indeed populations afloat. Sovereign debt has therefore increased still further. Set against this background are the selfish actions of four individuals, all male, and all people who might be described as mavericks. That might be too kind a description, and disruptors would be a more appropriate term. Even that is far too good for a bloodthirsty, warmongering, despotic dictator like Vladimir Putin, who tops this group of disruptive malcontents. Nigel Farage, with his unfortunately, successful campaign to remove the UK from the European Union, was the person who lit the spark, and emboldened Putin and his campaign to resurrect the corrupt, oppressive, bankrupt, and totally burnt out, Soviet Union. We then come to Donald Trump, an egotistical, narcissist loudmouth who, if you though was bad enough first time around, well you ain’t seen nothing yet. Voters in the recent US presidential elections, seem to have developed a collective madness, by returning this joker to the White House, and I’m sure we shall all be worse off as a consequence. Trump now has his No. 1 fanboy, Elon Musk opening his mouth and throwing his weight around. The world’s richest man has plenty of money to throw around, with the mistaken belief he can buy politicians, governments and even entire countries. Given the massive size of the egos of these two men, there’s fortunately a strong chance they will have a falling out, sooner, rather than later, but the whole sorry saga of Farage, Putin, Trump and Musk, isn’t really a cause for optimism.
Right, having got all that off my chest, it's high time for a beer, or three!
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