are eight beers in total, six of which are from breweries I have never heard
of. The two breweries I am familiar with are Grain and Oakham; both of which
are quite well known, having been established for some time now. Anyway, here’s
the beers listed in the order I drank them, together with what I thought of them:
Oakham Ales Citra 4.6% - Pale gold in colour and
topped with a thick foamy head, this classic new wave beer has a stunning
citrus-like, grapefruit aroma, from the renowned Citra hop. Oakham claim they
were the first UK
brewery to use Citra, back in 2009, and such were its unique qualities it
quickly became a permanent fixture. The brewery also claims lychee and
gooseberry aromas in the beer, and they are certainly correct about the dry
bitter finish. A really good and very drinkable, all round beer.
Church Farm Brewery Harry’s Heifer 4.2% - A pale
amber best bitter. Poured without a head, but still with a reasonable amount of
condition. A slight floral nose, but not much else in the way of aroma. Quite
sweet tasting, with some citrus flavours present in the background. Not a huge
amount of bitterness, (certainly not a hop monster!), but still a pleasant and
refreshing drink. Half-way through the bottle now, and I’m of the opinion the
beer is too sweet, and too floral for my taste. Perhaps more suited to a summer
afternoon, than a damp, cold, evening in mid-February.
Top Out Brewery Staple Pale Ale 4.0% – Pale amber in
colour, this bottle-conditioned beer pours well giving an inviting head of
loose white foam. With a lovely zesty aroma from the American hops, the citrus
theme extends through into the taste, enhanced by a touch of wheat in the
grist. Top Out are based on the outskirts of Edinburgh,
and have only been brewing since July 2013. If they can keep coming out with brews like this then they
are on to a winner!
Grain 316 Extra Pale Ale 3.9% - I visited Grain
Brewery’s central Norwich pub, the
Plough, last April, whilst in the city for the CAMRA National AGM. Being fairly
late on a Saturday night the place was heaving, but heaving in a good way with
mainly young people, all enjoying the extensive range of Grain beers on sale in
the pub. The bar maids were young and attractive too and, more importantly, they
were very knowledgeable about the beers as well!.
What I am trying to say is that Grain seem a young and
go-ahead brewery, and this is reflected in this bottled beer. Brewed using
lager malt, which gives an extremely pale colour to the beer, 316 has a
delicate malt body with a pronounced citrus hop aroma and flavour. The tasting
notes from the brewery suggest necking it straight from the bottle, but to me
that would be sacrilege, as it would with any bottled beer. Perhaps I’m not so
young and go-ahead after all?
Stevens Point
Brewery Belgian White 5.4% - A confession, I’ve never been much of a fan of
what beers, so how did I fare with this craft wheat beer from Wisconsin?
Surprisingly well, the beer poured pale with a colour approaching that of white
wine. There was surprisingly little of the fruity, bubble-gum ester flavours
associated with Bavarian Weiss Biers; instead there was a pleasant graininess,
with a hint of coriander.
It is interesting to see from the tasting notes that as well
as wheat, the beer contains rolled oats and is flavoured with a touch of Curacao
orange peel and coriander, alongside the Hallertau and Saaz hops.
Stevens Point Brewery Black Ale 5.2% - Like its name
suggests, jet black in colour. Poured completely flat, with no head present at
all. A smooth tasting dark beer, with plenty of roast and caramel notes Bittered
with choice Cluster, Saaz and Cascade hops for a smooth, bitter finish.I’m not really certain which style“black ale” fits into,
although stout might be the most appropriate.
The Tickety Brew Company Dubbel 6.5% - Black in
colour with just a hint of red when held to the light. Inspired by the famous
Belgian Abbey/Trappist style the tasting notes state that the beer contains no
roasted malts. Instead the “deep burnt red appearance” is achieved by adding
dark sugar syrup. There is certainly a background taste from this syrup which
reminds me of molasses; something I am not a huge fan of. However, this taste
is not over-powering and the overall impression is that of a sweet beer, with a
touch of spice and gentle bitterness. Definitely a beer which grows on you and
a good take on a Belgian classic by an up and coming British brewery.
Summerhall Brewery Barney’s Beer 3.8% - This
bottle-conditioned beer describes itself as a “Good Ordinary Pale Ale”, so does
it live up to expectations? Well it pours nice and clear, is amber in colour
and has a thick, but fairly loose head. There’s some hop, citrus and peppery
notes in the aroma, but to me the beer is a little thin, but although it lacks
somewhat in body, the hoppiness compensates with its thirst quenching
Like the Church Farm Brewery beer, this pale ale is far more
suited to a warm summer’s day, than a damp, cold, evening in late February. It
would be interesting to see what some of the brewery’s other beers are like.
you fancy trying some of these beers yourself, then why not place a trial order
from BEER52? The company are kindly offering a £10 per case discount to
readers of this blog. To qualify for this, all you need do is type in Coupon: BAILEYS10 when placing
your order. Happy drinking!
Footnote: this post originally attracted a small number of
negative comments relating to the service provided by Beer52.com and, more
importantly, to difficulties experienced by some people when attempting to
cancel their subscriptions.
Following assurances received from Beer52.com’s founder,
James Brown and his team, that the situation has now been improved, and that
issues associated with cancellation have been resolved, I have decided to take
down the comments.
This is not a decision I have taken lightly, but having run
my own business in the past I know how hard it is getting everything right,
especially first time around. As Beer52.com have introduced “super easy online
cancellation”, I have given them the benefit of the doubt.
Final point; there has been no financial inducement, or “goods
in kind” received on my part, as a result of this action, and I remain, as
always, an impartial observer.