After crossing London Bridge, we headed along Gracechurch Street towards the Crosse Keys, our next port of call, and one of Wetherspoons flagship pubs in the capital. However, when Gracechurch Street merged into Bishopsgate we realised we must have missed it. Undeterred we turned right into the covered splendour of Leadenhall Market for the chance to visit the Lamb Tavern, an unspoilt gem of a pub which dates back, in its present form, to the 17th Century and is on the site of a much older establishment of the same name. Alongside the usual Young’s offerings was Sambrook’s Pumphouse Pale. This turned out to be a very good beer, but at over £4.00 it pint it jolly well ought to be! One of the Lamb’s most attractive features was a large Bass mirror (see picture below), which would look nice on my wall at home!

Soon it was time to move on again, and we had a bit of a route march ahead of us, especially as we wanted to get back to the Charing Cross area. We made our way up Cornhill, passing the Bank of England, before continuing along Cheapside and the back of St Paul’s and then along towards Holborn to the Cittie of Yorke, a well-known London pub, and one of a number in the Capital belonging to Yorkshire brewers, Samuel Smith. Sam’s are renowned for their keen prices and for their policy of only stocking “own-branded” products in their pubs, so as well as their one cask ale Old Brewery Bitter (OBB), their pubs sell their own lager, stout, an extensive range of distinctive bottled beers, own-label wines, plus even their own branded crisps! We opted for the OBB; I didn’t notice what the price was as it was Eric’s round, but knowing Sam’s value for money policy it would have been on a par with what we paid in Wetherspoons.
The pub itself is well worth a visit, consisting of one long
bar, with a high vaulted ceiling. It looks very much like a baronial hall, so
it is surprising to learn it was only built in 1924. The sides of the building,
away from the bar, are lined with booths which resemble confessionals, or the sort of enclosures once found in courtrooms for lawyers and their clients to discuss
matters relating to the case, privately. Being a Friday afternoon, the pub was
starting to fill up quite rapidly; not just with city workers finished for the
weekend, but with a healthy sprinkling of tourists as well.
We drank up and departed for our final stop of the day, the
Harp in Covent Garden. I wasn't certain whether I’d
visited this award winning pub before, but I was certainly glad that we called
in on our way back to Charing Cross. The pub was packed
when we arrived, with people spilling out onto the street. This wasn’t a
problem as the Harp has what must be removable windows. These help give a
feeling of space and on warm summer days, allow both light and air into the pub.
Once at the bar we were spoilt for choice with around eight different cask ales
to choose from. To start I went with the Red Squirrel London Porter, whilst
Eric opted for the Dark Star Original.
We spent longer than intended at the Harp, such was the
atmosphere and the quality and range of the beer. There was also a bevy of
attractive barmaids pulling the pints and serving the customers with just the right
mixture of efficiency and charm. I ended up sampling the Conqueror, Black IPA
from Windsor & Eaton and then finally Sambrook’s Lavender Hill, a 4.5% pale
ale, before finally calling it a day.
From the Harp it was a short step to Charing
Cross station and the train home. It had been a good day out, with
some excellent pubs visited and quite a few good beers dunk as well. This trip
wasn’t about searching out “extreme”, cutting-edge beers, but more a chance for
a couple of old friends to get together, visit a handful of decent pubs, and
catch up on what’s been going on over a few decent pints. Our next day out is
likely to be to Hastings – local inhabitants, you have been warned!
The Cittie of York actually has two bars, one at the front, which is itself worth a visit, very different from the "baronial hall" at the back.
Oh, and it's 'Hongkong and Shanghai Bank', reflecting the 19th century spelling of Hong Kong, which is why it's HSBC and not HKSBC.
Thanks Martyn, I'll give the front bar a try next time I visit the Cittie of Yorke.
Btw. What was wrong with "Midland" for the name of the bank?
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