Wednesday 18 July 2012

At Last - A Half Decent Beer From Shep's!

I'm not kidding either; Shepherd Neame, Kent's largest, and the country's oldest, brewer seem to finally have turned the clock back to the 1970's, when they still produced some pretty good beers, (their Bitter, before they re-named it Master Brew for example), and come up with a bottled ale that's both half decent, and eminently drinkable. It's also selling at a bargain price of just £1.19 for a 500ml bottle at our local Lidl's.

Cashing in on the fast approaching Olympics, London Gold Rush Ale is a  golden coloured, well-hopped  and very refreshing beer, and with an abv of just 3.8% it's a perfect drink for summer, (if it ever arrives!). Now that's praise indeed from me for a brewer who's products I normally avoid; and I must admit I would probably have done the same with this one had the colour and the price tag not caught my eye!

The beer itself has a citrussy, hoppy nose, balanced against a fruity zestiness  from the blend of malt and hops used to brew the beer..Whilst there is still a trace of that harsh, unpleasant bitterness, that so spoils the company's beers, lurking in the background,  it is at a low enough level as to be hardly noticeable, (I was probably, looking out for it subconsciously). It's never going to win any prizes, (not in my book anyway), but sold at such a knockdown price it's worth heading down to Lidl's and picking up a few bottles, just in case summer does decide to grace us with its presence!

Footnote: Lidl's often seem to feature cut-price promotions of beers from both Shep's and Marstons.

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